Introduction to Computer Communication Networks (CE463)
Design and implementation of computer communication networks including several projects. The focus is on the concepts and the fundamental design principles that have contributed to the success of global Internet. Topics: digital transmission, switching and multiplexing, protocols, LAN, congestion/flow/error control, routing, addressing, performance evaluation, internetworking (Internet) including TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS.
Microprocessors Systems & Interfacing (CE362)
An introduction to basic computer organization, microprocessor instruction sets, assembly language programming, and microcontroller peripherals
Introduction to Digital Systems Design (CE270)
An introduction to digital system design and hardware engineering, with an emphasis on practical design techniques and circuit implementation. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, theory of logic functions, mapping techniques and function minimization, logic equivalent circuits and symbol transformations, gate electrical and timing characteristics, critical path assessment and propagation delay measurement, analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits, programmable logic devices, hardware description languages, signed number notations and arithmetic, binary arithmetic logic circuits, theory of sequential circuits, state transition and timing diagrams, analysis and synthesis of sequential circuits, Mealy and Moore models of sequential circuits, register design, clock generation circuits, metastability and reliability considerations, and design of a simple computer.
Professional Development & Career Guidance (CE400)
The graduation project is a major capstone for the Electrical Engineering program. It is an opportunity for students to benefit from all skills and knowledge previously acquired during different courses and course projects. In addition, graduation project builds in students the ability to design and test electrical/electronic systems, component or process to meet desired needs. Graduation project typically involves common design aspects (such as consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility study and detailed system descriptions). It also includes a number of realistic constraints (such as cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics). Graduation projects are also an essential occasion where students are exposed to contemporary issues. It allows them also to understand and explain any ethical, economic and cultural matters concerning their project. In electrical engineering graduation projects, teams are allowed to have members from electrical engineering program. This builds in them the ability to function in interdisciplinary teams and also to gain awareness of professional and ethical responsibility. The first step of a design project is to identify the problem and formulate the need. Engineering students must be able to propose an engineering-based project in a clear and concise manner. To do so, students start first by reading and compiling literature related to their topics in order to understand the background and explore possibility of proposing appropriate solutions. After defining their context and identifying the engineering constraints under which the engineering solution should operate students will formulate a clear planning for their project. Throughout the project lifetime, students must keep record and compile their work in a professional way. Different milestones are defined in order to allow students to progress and achieve the project outcomes. The second step of the graduation project is to build and test the project prototype. In this phase students practice and demonstrate the iterative decision-making aspect of the design process where they have to modify and adjust their design in order to meet predefined requirements and applicable standards. At the end of the second phase of the project student will demonstrate their ability to present affectively their proposed engineering solution. Student design, professional, teamwork and presentation skills will be assessed in the final presentation. Students also must show their understanding of the engineering ethical responsibility.
Computer Design & Prototyping (CE437)
An introduction to computer organization and design, including instruction set selection, arithmetic logic unit design, datapath design, control strategies, pipelining, memory hierarchy, and I/O interface design.
Operating Systems Engineering (CE469)
Students will learn to design and construct operating systems for both individual computers and distributed (networked) systems. Basic concepts and methods for managing processor, main memory, block-structured storage, and network resources are covered. Detailed examples are taken from a number of operating systems, emphasizing the techniques used in networked versions of UNIX. These techniques are applied to design improvements of portions of a networked UNIX-based operating system. The improvements are implemented and their performance evaluated in laboratory experiments
Digital Systems Senior Project (CE477)
A structured approach to the development and integration of embedded microcontroller hardware and software that provides senior-level students with significant design experience applying microcontrollers to a wide range of embedded systems (e.g., instrumentation, process control, telecommunications, and intelligent devices). The primary objective is to provide practical experience developing integrated hardware and software for embedded microcontroller systems in an environment that models one which students will most likely encounter in industry. Student can also work a challenging open ended computer engineering project that draws on previous coursework to provide them with practical experience developing integrated hardware and software projects. This is a continuation of CE 400. Graduation Projects Guidelines at the College of Engineering and Technology apply.
Transforming Ideas to Innovations I (ENGR131)
Introduces students to the engineering professions using multidisciplinary, societally relevant content. Developing engineering approaches to systems, generating and exploring creative ideas, and use of quantitative methods to support design decisions. Explicit model-development activities (engineering eliciting activities, or EEAs) engage students in innovative thinking across the engineering disciplines at AUM. Experiencing the process of design and analysis in engineering including how to work effectively in teams. Developing skills in project management, engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, and modern engineering tools (e.g., Excel and Scilab)
Transforming Ideas to Innovations II (ENGR132)
Continues building on the foundation developed in ENGR 131. Students take a more in depth and holistic approach to integrating multiple disciplines perspectives while constructing innovative engineering solutions to open-ended problems. Extending skills in project management engineering fundamentals, oral and graphical communication, logical thinking, team work, and modern engineering tools (e.g., Scilab and Arduino)