Medias & blogs

  1. Les crises de 2020 et 2008 sont-elles comparables ? par Nathalie Pérrigot, L’éco, 18 septembre 2020

  2. L’après-1815 : un siècle de convalescence pour la dette britannique, par Richard Hiault, Les Échos, 29 juillet 2020

  3. Banque de France Blocnotes Eco: Historical lessons from large increases in government debt, with Pierre Sicsic, 10 June 2020

  4. Banque de France Blocnotes Eco: The Covid-19 economic crisis: what would Roosevelt have done?, with Jean Barthélemy, 12 May 2020

  5. De la panique Lehman à la panique coronavirus, chronique de Jean-Marc Vittori, Les Échos 10 mars 2020

  6. Leçons historiques des fortes augmentations de la dette publique, Atlantico, 16 juin 2020

  7. France Culture « Entendez-vous l’éco? » Interview on Indebtedness and equity in France and the US, 10 December 2018.

  8. France Culture « Entendez-vous l’éco? » Interview on financial regulation from Roosevelt to the Great Financial Crisis, 27 août 2018.

  9. Le Monde oped : Michel Aglietta propose un nouveau cadre pour l’euro, 30 May 2018 (with Benoît Mojon and Xavier Ragot)

  10. Banque de France Blocnotes Eco: No excessive risk in the quality of collateral pledged with the Eurosytem during the crisis, with Jean Barthélemy and Benoit Nguyen, 21 March 2018.

  11. New Scientist piece on my Stealing to survive paper: The grape depression, 23-30 December 2017.

  12. Voxeu: Empirical evidence on the failure of central clearing counterparties, 4 December 2017

  13. Le Monde: À long-terme le protectionnisme nuit à l’éducation 7 September 2017.

  14. LSE business review: How the Bank of France increased liquidity at no fiscal risk in the 1800s, June 2017

  15. Banque de France blog: Economic crises and the lender of last resort, May 2017

  16. Voxeu: The real benefit of easy central bank access: evidence from the Great French Wine Blight, with Clemens Jobst, April 2017

  17. Reuters press dispatch of “Economic crises and the eligibility for the lender of last resort”: Sour grapes – Not if the central bank has your back, 24 February 2017

  18. EHS The Long Run blog post France 19th Century Wine Crisis: The Impact on Crime Rates, 7 February 2017

  19. Oxford Business Law Blog post How Do Central Clearing Counterparties Fail?, 23 November 2016

  20. The Economist: Column on “Protectionism and the Education-Fertility Tradeoff in Late 19th Century France”, April 16-22, 2016

  21. Le Monde: Mention of “Stealing to Survive” in ‘Crise et Chatiments’ by E. Auriol, 22 April 2013

  22. Voxeu: Mention of “the Price of Media Capture” in ‘Britain’s Hacking Scandal’, July 2012.

  23. Speaker, educational video L’inflation, à quelle dose? Producer: Canal Educatif à la Demande, Release date: November 2008. in French

  24. Speaker, program “De l’actualité à l’histoire: Vie et mort du Deutsche Mark” broadcasted on Histoire (duration 57’33), broadcasting date : June 1998. in French