
Sunday Schedule:

9:30 am Traditional Worship

(10:30 am Sunday School)

Church Office Hours 9 am to 3 pm

4470 Ridge Rd. Brooklyn, OH 44144

(216) 749-5585

Dr. Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church

Our Mission:

We are a family of faith, baptized in Jesus Christ,

joining together to celebrate The Word and The Sacraments,

and helping one another grow in proclaiming the Gospel,

reaching out in service, and teaching the Word of God to all people

A Vision For You...

Dr. Martin Luther is a community of believers that:

* Promotes lifelong education in the Christian faith

* Encourages good and faithful stewards

* Reaches out to others spiritually and socially in a warm & welcoming way

* Provides creative activities for all ages

* Offers a variety of worship styles