
Working Papers

Global Trade Policy Uncertainty and U.S. Trade Flows, joint with Tian Liu and Peri da Silva.  

Do Children and Marriage Deprive Women of Their Job Prospects?, joint with Myongjin Kim, Jiawei Lyu, and Daniel Nedelescu, submitted. 

Polarization of American Workers: The Big Squeeze from Occupational Exposure to Value-Added Imports, joint with Peri da Silva and Han Wang.

Attraction to Asymmetry: Evidence from the Airline Industry, joint with Myongjin Kim. 


Engel Curves on Outsourcing and Foreign Environmental Regulations: A Global Input-Output Approach, joint with Ailun Li and Peri Silva. Review of International Economics, forthcoming.  

Lasting Impact of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study: COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitation among African Americans, joint with Xiaolong Hou, Yang Jiao, Zhuo Chen. Journal of Population Economics, 2024, 37:41. 

Hukou Matters: The Heterogeneous Local Labor Market Effects of Export Expansions in China, joint with Shuaizhang Feng, Jingliang Lu. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2024, 52:1, 321-340.

One for All or All for One: Does the Category Captain Play Favorites? joint with Myongjin Kim. Suman Basuroy and Sri Beldona, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2023, 56:1, 87-113. 

Melting Pot or Salad Bowl: Cultural Effect on Industrial Similarity during Trade Liberalization, joint with Yang Jiao and Yuyun Liu, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2023, 51:1, 235-258. 

Does Competition Increase or Decrease Price Dispersion? Insights from One-Way vs. Round-Trip Airfares?, joint with Myongjin Kim and Qi Ge. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 85:2, 435-455. 

   Online Appendix

Toward a Dynamic Model of the Industrial Upgrading with Global Value Chains, joint with Jim H. Shen, Luyao Zhang, Chien-Chiang Lee, and Jun Zhang. World Economy, 2021, 44:9, 2683-2702

    Online Appendix

The Importance of Heterogeneity in Determining the Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements on FDI, joint with Peri Silva, Norikatsu Hiraide, World Economy, 2020, 43:12, 3262-3295.  

Help or Hindrance? U.S. Aid on Growth, joint with Myongjin Kim,  Applied Economics Letters, 2020, 27:21, 1746-1753.

Returns to Job Satisfaction in the Presence of Horizontal Mismatch, joint with Qi Ge, Eun Jung Jordan and Myongjin Kim, Applied Economics, 2020, 52:27, 2913-2930. 

I am Jane. Do I Pay More in the Housing Market?  joint with Sean O'Connor, Brent Norwood, Myongjin Kim. Economics Bulletin, 2019, 39 (2) p.A151.

Endowment Structure, Industry Dynamics and Domestic Supply Chains in China-Theory and Evidence, joint with Jim Huangnan Shen, Jun Zhang. Industry Dynamics and Domestic Supply Chains in China-Theory and Evidence, 2018. 

Value-Added Trade and U.S. Local Labor Markets: Does China Really Matter?joint with Peri da Silva, European Economic Review, 2018, 101, p479-504.

Global Sourcing and Credit Constraints, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2017, 50(3).

Are Rising College Premiums Capitalized into House Prices in China, joint with Tracy Turner, Real Estate Economics, 2016. doi:10.1111/1540-6229.12172.

Financial Dependence and Growth: Diminishing Returns to Improvement in Financial Development, Economics Letters, 2013, 120(2): 215-219.

The Effect of Social Capital on the Use of General Practitioners: A Comparison of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants in Ontario, joint with D. A. Samek, A. Laporte, E. Nauenberg, and P. C. Coyte. Healthcare Policy, 2012, 8(1): 49-66.

Social Capital, Community Size and Utilization of Health Services: A Lagged Analysis,joint with A. Laporte and E. Nauenberg. Health Policy, 2011, 103(1): 38-46.

Aging, Social Capital, and Utilization of HealthServices in Canada, joint with A. Laporte and E. Nauenberg. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 2009, 3(04): 393-411,