Invited Talks/Seminars/Conferences (selected)

March 2018: Keynote speaker for CLOSER 2018 (

March 2018: Keynote speaker for IOTBDS 2018 (

18 March 2015: Getting cost-efficient performance from Infrastructure Clouds. Invited presentation at Enterprise Cloud Computing and Virtualization (ECCV).

10 December 2014: The Diffusion Dilemma for Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets in Supply Chains. Invited presentation at ITaaU Network+ symposium: rapid deployment of cloud and utility services for fast-moving emergency situations, at 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC).

30 September 2014: Understanding a large, cloud adopting enterprise. Invited presentation at Cloud computing: Technology transition for business transformation, a joint ITAAU and Services2Cloud workshop (Sep 30 - Oct 1, 2014)

16-18 September 2014: Presentation at GECON 2014.

1 July 2014: Invited presentation at the Home Office

17 June 2014: Invited presentation at the Cloud World Forum, Olympia, 17th June

10-12 February 2014: Invited presentation at the final Large Scale Complex IT Systems (LSCITS) Cloud Workshop – funded by EPSRC, Grasmere.

25 June 2013: Invited presentation on Cloud Performance and Security at IBC Technology Booster, London

23-4 April 2013: Invited presentation at EPSRC LSCITS project Cloud Workshop in Grasmere

16 March 2012: You pay for what you get: ensuring value for money in the Cloud. Presentation at the Workshop on Science Applications and Infrastructure in Clouds and Grids, Oxford, UK, held in conjunction with Open Grid Forum's OGF 34 meeting.

21 February 2012: Cloud.Surrey. EPSRC LSCITS project Cloud Workshop in Windermere

26 September 2011: Fair Benchmarking for Cloud Computing Systems. Poster at the EPSRC Cloud Workshop, UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, York. View poster (PDF)

19 May 2011: Cloud Security and Transformation. 5th Cloud Circle Forum, London, UK

9 September 2010: If the sky is blue, are Clouds Green? The Security Forum, sponsored by Sophos, at the premises of Field Fisher Waterhouse, Vine Stree, London.

8 September 2010: Cloud Computing: Green Technology or Greenwash? Presentation to the BCS Green SG at BCS Offices in London.

13 May 2010: Want Sustainable and Green? Seed Computing Clouds. Presentation at HEA-ICS workshop on SustainablIT: Green and Sustainable Computing, Education and Practice, BCS Offices, London.

11 March 2008: Presentation on Language Standards to National Statistics Harmonisation Group at the Office of National Statistics, Drummond Gate, London

20 September 2007:"Thrust for Computational Linguistics" at New Horizons in Linguistics - a one day symposium at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre

26 June 2007: Laurent Romary (Max Plank Digital Library, Berlin) and Lee Gillam "Linking open spaces and standards: the case of language codes and language description". Presented by Laurent Romary at Towards collaborative content management of interpretations, hypotheses, and theories, Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig, Germany

8 June 2006: "No place for Sentiments?". Presented over Access Grid as part of the National Centre for e-Social Science's Access Grid Seminar Series. AGN Audience: University of Surrey; Institute for Advanced Studies - Lancaster University; e-Science North West (ESNW) - Manchester University; Freeman Institute - Universities of Brighton and Sussex. Presentation recorded using the MEMETIC software.

28 April 2006: "Sentiment Analysis and Financial Grids" at JISC/ESRC funded workshop on Bridging quantitative and qualitative methods for social sciences using text mining techniques. Hosted by National Centre for Text Mining / National Centre for e-Social Science, Manchester Conference Centre. [See presentation (PDF)]

5 October 2005: "Metadata, Terminology and Ontology" at Information Management and e-Social Science Workshop. Hosted by Lancaster University [See presentation (Video)]

6 April 2005: "Analysis of Non-stochastic Time Varying Data - FINGRID" at JISC/ESRC funded workshop on Quantitative Methods for e-Social Science. Hosted by Lancaster University. [See presentation (Video)]