
Welcome! This is my personal site that highlights my scholarly work and provides links to useful chemistry resources. Let me know if any links are busted and I'll fix them. 

FYI the menu for accessing other pages on this site (info on my teaching, research, and publications, etc.) is either to the left side of the screen or is the three lines in the upper left corner. 

-If you are a DePaul University undergraduate or Masters student interested in research relating to the transformations of strong bonds (alkane dehydrogenation, carbon dioxide reduction to fuels, etc.), green chemistry, or bioinorganic chemistry, please contact me! If I have room in my lab and you are interested in my research, I would be happy to discuss the possibility of accepting you as a research student. Space is limited, but there is always turnover every quarter as students graduate or move on to other opportunities. Summer and winter break are also good times to get involved in research. You don't have to be a chemistry or biochemistry major to do research in my lab. 

***Interested in getting a Masters degree in chemistry? Check out the DePaul MS Chem Program!*** We have both thesis and non-thesis tracks. We do not have a PhD program, nor do we have funding for postdoctoral researchers. 

My work address:

Dr. Kyle A. Grice

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

DePaul University

Chicago, IL 60614


The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at DePaul University is within the College of Health and Sciences (CSH), which is located in McGowan South at the Lincoln Park Campus (LPC). DePaul also has a campus in the Loop (Downtown Chicago). 

Click here to visit the DePaul Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry website

Click here to see my official Faculty page at DePaul University 

(The page you are currently on is not a DePaul University page in any way, official or unofficial).

Click here to email me

News and Announcements for 2024:

Dr. Grice published a paper about the IONiC SLiThErs! Check it out here. 

First paper of 2024! Dr. Grice did some DFT calculations and helped write this manuscript by Dr. Pienkos. 

News and Announcements for 2023:

Dr. Grice talked about his recent platinum complex paper for a nanoCHAt (about 10 min video). See it here on Youtube! 

Dr. Grice and his students published a paper on Platinum complexes. Check it out Here

Dr. Grice performed the DFT calculations for a paper that was published in ACS Catalysis: Link Here

Dr. Grice performed the DFT calculations for a paper published in Heterocyclic Communications: Link Here

News and Announcements for 2022:

-Dr. Grice is on research leave in the fall, which means he isn't teaching and is focusing on getting research projects accelerated! 

-Dr. Grice submitted an NSF grant to help support www.ionicviper.org for the next 5 years. We hope we get it! 

-Dr. Grice won a collaborative grant through the Illinois Library Consortium to develop Open-access materials for GOB courses

-Dr. Grice is running a study abroad to Spain in the Summer of 2022! 

-Dr Grice will be presenting two talks virtually at the ACS Meeting in San Diego during Spring Break!

News and Announcements for 2021:

-Dr. Grice and a MS student published a computational paper in Tetrahedron Letters! Check it out here.

-Dr. Grice collaborated with researchers from Nigeria, Pakistan, and Poland on a paper. He provided DFT calculations of complexes. The paper can be found here

-Dr. Grice gave a talk about using D2L in teaching for IONiC. Here's the recording. 

-Dr. Grice gave a talk about Pt chemistry for Open Science Presentations. Here's the recording!

-One of Dr. Grice's MS students defended their thesis! Congratulations Josh! 

-Dr. Grice gave an invited seminar at UIC on CO2 reduction!

-We had a paper published in Inorganic Chemistry with several student co-authors. We worked with collaborators to understand how catalysts can turn CO2 into methane! Here's the link. 

-Dr. Grice gave a talk at Lewis University on Jan 29th

-Dr. Grice gave a talk at Illinois State University Jan 22nd

For 2020: 

-Dr. Grice was a co-author on two ACS Symposium Series chapters that were published in November. The links are here and here

-Dr. Grice gave a remote talk at Florida Southern College on Nov. 12th.

-Dr. Grice gave a remote talk at North Carolina State University on Sept. 10th. 

-Dr. Grice gave a presentation online on twitch on our group's bioinorganic work. It was recorded and can be found here

-Dr. Grice headed a roundtable discussion about teaching labs online. Here is the recording

-Our collaborative paper with Dr. Sheri Lense was just published in Organometallics! Check it out here. 

-The Grice Lab is adapting to the social distancing in SQ2020. Dr. Grice is teaching all online, and the research group is working on writing up data/writing manucripts/doing literature searches/running DFT calculations. ACS in Philly was cancelled, which we had 5 students signed up to go present at.

-We just had a collaborative paper published! Check it out here. 


-Dr. Grice has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! 

-Dr. Grice and Lucy Wolf, a student in the Grice lab, both presented at the ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting May 1-4 in Lisle, IL. 

-Dr. Grice and Lucy Wolf, a student in the Grice lab, were just published as co-authors on a JACS paper! Check it out here!

-Dr. Grice took 6 students to Argonne to collect XANES and EXAFS data on Cobalt complexes for a collaboration with Dr. Jin. 


-Dr. Grice ran a research-based study abroad with Dr. Bystriansky from BIO in July. Students are in the process of analyzing their data and writing up their results.

-Dr. Grice helped run a workshop in June for IONiC VIPEr on how to use the website for teaching inorganic chemistry. See this blog post and this site for more information!

-Great news! Our 2016 Inorganic Chemistry paper was highlighted in a virtual issue on Undergraduate Contributions to Organometallic Chemistry! Check out the virtual issue Here

-Dr. Grice just published a paper with Dr. Griffin and DePaul students based on our trips to Argonne National Laboratory! Here's the link.

-Dr. Grice just published a paper with DePaul students and collaborators from the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science (RFUMS), as well as North Carolina State University (NCSU). Here's the link! 

For past news and announcements, go here

Social media and other online profiles:

Check out the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department's blog The Catalyst

Follow me on twitter!  @GriceChemistry

The department of Chemistry also has a twitter account: @DePaulChemistry

As does the College of Science and Health: @DePaulCSH

Here is my researchgate site

Here is my linkedin site (If you are a DePaul Chem student, alumni, or friend of the Dept, you should join the departmental linkedin group!) 

Here is my academia.edu site

This site is maintained by Dr. Grice, and any information or opinions are Dr. Grice's. Dr. Grice is not responsible for the content of external links. This is NOT a DePaul University website in any way (official or unofficial).