

Jumble is an Ada program designed to unscramble jumbled words. You can use it to solve word puzzles; or, when making your own puzzles, you can check that a jumbled word doesn't unscramble to more than one word. You can build Jumble from the command line with gnatmake:

gnatmake jumble

To unscramble the word "aelpt", for example, enter this command:

jumble aelpt

The result should look something like this:

leapt: leapt palet patel pelta petal plate pleat tepal

You can include more than one word on the command line. If you don't supply a word, the program prints all entries with more than one permutation. You may need to change the value of File_Name if your dictionary is located elsewhere on the system. A similar implementation in Java may be found here.

The two versions of Jumble shown below implement the algorithms discussed here. The latest version may be found here. Collisions in a hashed map are examined here.

Algorithm 1: Using Hashed_Maps & Ordered_Sets

Algorithm 1: The first version constructs a hashed map of dictionary entries. Each unique key is comprised of the sorted characters of a dictionary word; the matching element is an ordered set of words each having a different permutation of the same characters. Building such a map is slightly more difficult, but permutations of arbitrarily large words can then be found in constant time. By iterating over the map, you can find words with a high number of permutations, e.g. "caret" and "ester".



-- Jumble: Unscramble jumbled words.


-- John B. Matthews, M.D., 10-Jun-2009


-- Distribution: per GPL



with Ada.Characters.Handling;

with Ada.Command_Line;

with Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort;

with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;

with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets;

with Ada.Strings.Bounded;

with Ada.Strings.Bounded.Hash;

with Ada.Text_IO;

with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure Jumble is

Max_Word : constant Positive := 26;

Max_Count : constant Ada.Containers.Count_Type := 250_000;

File_Name : constant String := "/usr/share/dict/words";

package ACH renames Ada.Characters.Handling;

package ACL renames Ada.Command_Line;

package ASB is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(Max_Word);

use type ASB.Bounded_String;

procedure Sort is new Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort(

Index_Type => Positive,

Element_Type => Character,

Array_Type => String);

package ACOS is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets(

Element_Type => ASB.Bounded_String);

type Word_Set is access ACOS.Set;

function Hash is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Hash(ASB);

use type Ada.Containers.Hash_Type;

package ACHM is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps(

Key_Type => ASB.Bounded_String,

Element_Type => Word_Set,

Hash => Hash,

Equivalent_Keys => "=");

Word_Map : ACHM.Map;

-- Sort the characters of Str returning a lower case Key

function Sort(Str : String) return ASB.Bounded_String is

Key : String(1 .. Str'Length) := ACH.To_Lower(Str);



return ASB.To_Bounded_String(Key);

end Sort;

-- Read dictionary words up to Max_Word in length

-- Map character-sorted words to permutatively equivalent words

procedure Read_Dictionary(Word_Map : in out ACHM.Map) is

Dict_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;

Line : String (1 .. 32);

Last : Natural;

Word : ASB.Bounded_String;

Sorted : ASB.Bounded_String;

Position : ACHM.Cursor;

Inserted : Boolean;

Set : Word_Set;


Ada.Text_IO.Open(Dict_File, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, File_Name);

while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File(Dict_File) loop

Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (Dict_File, Line, Last);

if Last <= Max_Word then

Word := ASB.To_Bounded_String(Line(1 .. Last));

Sorted := Sort(Line(1 .. Last));

Word_Map.Insert(Sorted, Position, Inserted);

if Inserted then

Set := new ACOS.Set;

Word_Map.Replace_Element(Position, Set);


Set := ACHM.Element(Position);

end if;


end if;

end loop;


end Read_Dictionary;

-- Print each word in a set.

procedure Print_Word(Position : in ACOS.Cursor) is

Item : ASB.Bounded_String := ACOS.Element(Position);


Ada.Text_IO.Put(ASB.To_String(Item) & " ");

end Print_Word;

-- Find Str in Word_Map; print permutatively equivalent words.

procedure Show_Results(Word_Map : ACHM.Map; Str : in String) is

Word : ASB.Bounded_String := Sort(Str);

Set : Word_Set;


Ada.Text_IO.Put(Str & ": ");

if Word_Map.Contains(Word) then

Set := Word_Map.Element(Word);




Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("no match.");

end if;

end Show_Results;

-- Print each entry having more than one word in its set.

procedure Print_All(Position : in ACHM.Cursor) is

Set : Word_Set := ACHM.Element(Position);

Length : Natural := Natural(Set.Length);


if Length > 1 then

Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put(Length, 0);

Ada.Text_IO.Put(" ");



end if;

end Print_All;




Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Checking" &

Natural'Image(Natural(Word_Map.Length)) & " entries.");

if ACL.Argument_Count = 0 then



for i in 1 .. ACL.Argument_Count loop

if ACL.Argument(i)'Length <= Max_Word then

Show_Results(Word_Map, ACL.Argument(i));

end if;

end loop;

end if;

end Jumble;

Algorithm 2: Using Permutations

Algorithm 2: The second version of Jumble reads the dictionary into memory in the procedure Read_Dictionary, storing entries in the variable List. Also, you may need to increase the value of Max_List if your dictionary is especially large. Read_Dictionary only reads words that are Max_Word characters or less in length. Max_Word is set to 10, since a 10 character string has 10! = 3,628,800 permutations. Longer words take factorially longer to process.

Next, Permute_String finds each of the possible permutations of the word and calls Look_Up to do a binary search of the dictionary list. If the word is found, Permute_String stores it in Found.

Finally, the list of Found words is sorted (so we can skip duplicates) and printed.

No more excuses; get puzzling!



-- Jumble: Unscramble jumbled words.


-- John B. Matthews, M.D., 08/01/2003


-- Distribution: per GPL



with Ada.Characters.Handling;

with Ada.Command_Line;

with Ada.Strings.Bounded;

with Ada.Text_IO;

with GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G;

procedure Jumble is

Max_Word : constant Positive := 10;

Max_Found : constant Positive := 32;

Max_List : constant Positive := 250_000;

File_Name : constant String := "/usr/share/dict/words";

package Words is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(Max_Word);

use type Words.Bounded_String;

type Words_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Words.Bounded_String;

type Words_Ptr is access Words_Array;

List : Words_Ptr := new Words_Array (1 .. Max_List);

Last_Word : Natural; -- Last word read into List.

Found : Words_Array (0 .. Max_Found);

Last_Found : Natural; -- Last word in Found.

-- Read the dictionary for words up to Max_Word in length

procedure Read_Dictionary (List : Words_Ptr; Count : out Natural) is

Dict_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;

Line : String (1 .. 30);

Last : Natural;


Count := 0;

Ada.Text_IO.Open(Dict_File, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, File_Name);

while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File(Dict_File) loop

Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (Dict_File, Line, Last);

if Last <= Max_Word then

Count := Count + 1;

Line(1 .. Last) := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower(Line(1 .. Last));

List(Count) := Words.To_Bounded_String(Line(1 .. Last));

end if;

end loop;


end Read_Dictionary;

-- Binary search of List for Word; return position or 0 if not found.

function Look_Up (List : Words_Ptr; Word : Words.Bounded_String) return Natural is

Lower : Natural := List'First;

Middle : Natural;

Upper : Natural := Last_Word;

Found : Boolean;



Middle := (Lower + Upper) / 2;

Found := Word = List(Middle);

if Word > List(Middle) then

Lower := Middle + 1;


Upper := Middle - 1;

end if;

exit when Found or Lower > Upper;

end loop;

if Found then

return Middle;


return 0;

end if;

end Look_Up;

-- Recursively permute Str starting at position K.

procedure Permute_String (Str : in String; K : Positive := 1) is

S : String(Str'Range) := Str;

N : Positive := S'Length;

B : Words.Bounded_String;

temp : Character;


if K = N then

B := Words.To_Bounded_String(S);

if Look_Up(List, B) > 0 then -- Save in Found

Last_Found := Last_Found + 1;

Found(Last_Found) := B;

end if;


for i in K .. N loop

temp := S(i);

S(i) := S(K);

s(K) := temp;

Permute_String(S, K + 1);

end loop;

end if;

end Permute_String;

-- Used by generic sort

procedure Assign (From, To : Natural) is


Found(To) := Found(From);

end Assign;

-- Used by generic sort

function Compare (Left, Right : Natural) return Boolean is


return Found(Left) < Found(Right);

end Compare;

-- Bubble sort is fine for this short list

package Found_Sort is new GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G(Assign, Compare);

-- Sort and display results, skipping duplicates

procedure Show_Results (Str : in String) is

Last_Out: Words.Bounded_String := Words.To_Bounded_String("");


if Last_Found = 0 then




for i in 1 .. Last_Found loop

if Found(i) /= Last_Out then


Last_Out := Found(i);

end if;

end loop;

end if;

end Show_Results;


Read_Dictionary(List, Last_Word);

Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Checking" & Natural'Image(Last_Word) & " entries.");

for i in 1 .. Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count loop

if Ada.Command_Line.Argument(i)'Length > Max_Word then

Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Ada.Command_Line.Argument(i) & " is too long!");


Last_Found := 0;

Permute_String (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(i));

Show_Results (Ada.Command_Line.Argument(i));

end if;

end loop;

end Jumble;

Copyright 1999, 2003, 2009 John B. Matthews

Distribution permitted under the terms of the GPL.

Last updated 23-Jul-2022.