Alumni Video/Audio Chat

The use of this prearranged** web video/audio meeting (Google Meet) facility is restricted to DRGS Alumni.

1. Prior to the scheduled meeting you can verify/tweak your equipment (Mike, video camera etc) to ensure it is functioning correctly by clicking on the this link

2. At the prearranged** date/time Click here to participate in the web video/audio meeting.

**Contact the DRGS web site admin at dr.ribeiro.goan.school@gmail.com ahead of time to schedule the multi-participant call


  1. You require a recent, updated browser. Chrome works best, although recent versions of other browsers may work

  2. To participate you may require a Google account or gmail address.

  3. Pre-arrange the date and time of your call with other alumni before visiting the link above.

  4. *While you can conference with a computer equipped with a video camera and mike, you can also participate using a recent smartphone/IPad/Tablet, although you may be required to download the Google Meet app from the Google Playstore.

Please note: The Administrator and/or DRGS Website assumes no responsibility, whatsoever, of the misuse of this facility by third parties. It is made available here purely for the convenience of DRGS alumni to communicate with one another.