
Research Areas: Blockchain and DLT, Information Security and Privacy, Cloud Security, Network Security, Smart Grid Energy and Asset Management

Research Funded Projects:

Project: Developing Smart Controller for Optimum Utilization of Energy and Trustworthy Management in a Micro Grid Environment, funded by IMPRINT-IIc1, SERB, DST, GOI - IMP/2019/000251

Total Grant: INR 1,38,92,848 (INR 93,92,848 from SERB + INR 45,00,000 from Siemens Ltd)

Project Summary: This project aims at developing a smart controller for optimum utilization of distributed energy generations and battery storage operating in Grid connected/Islanded mode, while meeting different load profiles under various system conditions in a micro grid. Here, a suitable islanding detection and re-synchronization scheme will be implemented. Alongside, measurement and analysis of various resources' data and power quality aspects will be carried out. It integrates decentralized energy management system with the enhanced DLT. The DLT will be enhanced by considering the feasible consensus mechanism and block/transaction format to offer high scalability and fast transaction capabilities. By considering the power auctioning policies and incentivized game theory, the required smart contracts are aimed to be written and deployed over the enhanced DLT for ensuring accurate energy and demand prediction, imbalance handling, user privacy, transparency and trust in energy distribution, data security to energy quality parameters, incentivized trading, metering and reporting accessible through web and Android app via Internet, low CAPEX and OPEX. The proposed system can significantly optimize the utilization of energy resources to meet different load profiles under various system conditions. It can give accurate insight about day wise energy demand for better preparedness to avoid energy crisis. It improves the trust in energy trading with an important metering and reporting service.

Project: Designing Out-of-VM Monitoring based Virtual Machine Introspection Framework for Securing Virtual Environment of Cloud Computing, funded by ECR, SERB, DST, GOI - ECR/2017/001221

Total Grant: INR 24,02,380 from SERB

Project Summary: The overall objective of the proposed project is to design out-of-VM monitoring based virtual machine introspection framework for securing virtual environment of cloud computing at both system as well as network level, while addressing the virtualization security needs in cloud as follows: Securing cloud components and dealing with large scale computing systems, Vulnerability analysis and patch management, Performing complete introspection of VMs, Predicting future attack vectors, Achieving Self-adaptive capability and Resistance to compromise.

Other Funding

Seed Money for Startup Research Grant from NIT Goa. Funding: 9,30,000 INR

Research Labs Established at NIT Goa

Cloud Computing and Security

Activities: Designing security solutions for cloud computing, Vulnerability assessment and patch management, Performing complete introspection of VMs, Predicting future attack vectors, Network intrusion detection system for virtual networks, System level intrusion detection for VMs

Resources/Tools: Edge Servers, Workstations, Desktops, Server Rack, Networking, VMEsxi, Snort, Vulnerability Scanners, Scapy and other open source tools, Malware data, Intrusion data

Blockchain Research Lab

Activities: Developing scalable and fast blockchain using python, Smart Grid Energy Management and Trustworthy Distribution using DLT and Smart Contracts (Blockchain Technology: Ethereum), Drinking Water Supply and Quality Management for Goa (Blockchain Technology: Ethereum), Simplifying e-KYC process (Blockchain Technology: Hyperledger), B2C Trading Platform for Food Grains (Blockchain Technology: Ethereum), Smart Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid Frequency Regulation (Blockchain Technology: Ethereum), B2C Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Process (Blockchain Technology: Ethereum)

Resources/Tools: Edge Servers, Workstations, Desktops, Server Rack, Networking, Ethereum, Hyperledger Besu, Hyperledger Caliper, VMEsxi, Energy consumption data, Pyhton

Blockchain Research Group: Dr. Modi Chirag Navinchandra, Dr. C, Vyjayanthi

Academic & Industry Collaboration

Mr. Shashank Joshi, Siemens Ltd, Goa, Area: Future Energy Applications and Developments

Prof. Yi Qian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), USA, Area: Critical Information Infrastructure Security

Prof. Roman Vitenberg, Oslo University Norway, Area: Blockchain

Prof. Greg Gogolin, Ferris State University, Michigan, USA. Area: Digital Forensics

Prof. Audun Josang, Oslo University Norway, Area: Blockchain and Cryptography

Dr. Lamia Atma Djoudi, Syncrone Tehnologies, Paris. Area: Cloud and Future IoT security

Prof. Ljiljana Brankovic, NewCastle University, Australia. Area: Privacy and Data Mining

Research Talks

Delivers research talks in the areas of Blockchain Foundation and Applications, Smart Contracts, Consensus Mechanism, Cloud Computing, Security and Privacy, 5G Technologies, Services and beyond with foundations, current trends and future scope