Water Quality Monitoring

These are data from the GCRL pier (30 23' 30.30''N 88 47' 54.65"W) collected using Hydrolab DS3 units from Mar 2008-Dec 2010. Parameters collected hourly are: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity (NTU).

Currently (since Jan 2011) we are using YSI 6600EDS sondes and have added chlorophyll fluorescence as an extra parameter.

These data HAVE NOT BEEN CHECKED for obviously bad readings, so it is up to the user to make an assessment of what is acceptable prior to any analysis. A simple graph of a given parameter over time will highlight typical problems.

Calibration datasheets are available on request, as is the raw downloaded data for that month deployment.

The entire package sits inside a 4" PVC tube at a preset depth (approx 3ft) to ensure protection of the instrument (LEFT). To minimize bio-fouling we use a 3 strategy approach on each sonde: 1) ablating anti-fouling paint, 2) pantyhose, 3) window mesh (CENTER). We have found this cuts down on sensor fouling even during warm summer temperatures (RIGHT). Hurricane Isaac (Aug 28-30, 2012) destroyed the pier again (3rd time in 5 years) and the program was discontinued at that time.

YSI at pier