Other Professional Activities

Conference Organisation:

Reviewing Service:

Reviewed papers for several journals including the Annals of Applied Probability, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Nature, Nature Communications, the Journal of Chemical Physics, the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Mathematical Biosciences, Probability Surveys and BMC Systems Biology.

Regular contributor to the Mathematical Reviews database of the American Mathematical Society.

Reviewed Grant Applications from European Research Council (ERC).

Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Stochastic Methods for Biological Systems for the journal Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (along with Prof. Gregorz Rempala, Dr. Wasiur KhudaBukhsh and Dr. Jinsu Kim)

Acted as an External Ph.D. Examiner for Tihol Donchev, University of Cambridge, U.K. (2024)

External Teaching: