Data and Replication Files

Below you will find the excel files and STATA commands for my empirical papers (for normal access to the Excel data, you may have to download them from the link). 

"Signaling Virtue or Vulnerability?: The changing impact of EMU on government bond spreads", in Socio-Economic Review.

Replication files available at the following Dataverse

"So right it's wrong?: Right governments, far right populism, and investment risk:", in Comparative Political Studies.


Replication files available at CPS's Dataverse

"The strings of the ‘golden straitjacket’: Sovereign ratings and the welfare state in developed countries" in the Socio-Economic Review.


Data file

STATA Commands

"Always a winning strategy?: Wage moderation's conditional impact on growth outcomes" in Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies

Data file

STATA Commands

"A strike against the left: General strikes and public opinion of incumbent governments in Spain", in Political Studies.

Appendices A-D

Quarterly Time Series Datafile

STATA Commands

"Entitlements in the crosshairs: How sovereign credit ratings judge the welfare state in advanced market economies", in Review of International Political Economy.

Appendices A-H

Master Datafile

STATA Commands for credit ratings results

STATA Commands for bond spreads results

STATA Command for Figures 4, 5 and 6

Standard and Poors' robustness checks

Moody's robustness checks

Fitch's robustness checks

"It takes two to tango: mortgage markets, labor markets and rising household debt in Europe", in Review of International Political Economy.

Appendices A-D

Excel data file

STATA commands

"Housing Prices and Wealth Inequality in Western Europe" (2020), in West European Politics

Appendix A

Excel data file

STATA commands

"Ratings Politics?: Partisan Discrimination in Credit Ratings in Developed Economics" (2018), in Comparative Political Studies

Appendices A-D

Annual Ratings and Spreads Data

Quarterly Ratings and Spreads Data

STATA Commands for annual regression output

STATA Commands for quarterly regression output

"Global Finance, Labor Politics and the Political Economy of Housing Prices" (2017), in Politics & Society

Excel data file

STATA commands

"The Electoral Effects of General Strikes in Western Europe" (2016), in Comparative Politics

Excel data file (includes coalitions data)

STATA commands

Appendix A (regression robustness tests)

Graphical appendix

Lists of strikes, pacts and legislation are posted in article files below

"European monetary integration and the incompatibility of national varieties of capitalism” (2016) in Journal of Common Market Studies

Excel data file

STATA Commands

“Prenatal Care in Oregon and Washington: The Role of Policy in Supporting Access for those most in Need” (2015) in Nursing Research

Excel data file

STATA Commands for Oregon and Washington Data

“Sharing the Rewards but Dividing the Costs?: The Electoral Consequences of Social Pacts and Legislative Reform in Western Europe” (2015) in West European Politics

Excel data file

STATA Commands


“Comparative Institutional Advantage in Europe’s Sovereign Debt Crisis” (2014) in Comparative Political Studies.

Online Data Appendix

Excel data file

STATA Commands

“Striking Concessions from Governments: Explaining the Success of General Strikes in Western Europe, 1980-2009.” (2013) in Comparative Politics (outcomes data can be found in the LIST OF GENERAL STRIKES IN THE EU15+NO link below)

Excel data file

STATA Commands

“Unions Against Governments: Explaining General Strikes in Western Europe, 1980-2006”, (2013) in Comparative Political Studies.

Excel data file

STATA Commands


“European Economic and Monetary Union's Perverse Effects on Sectoral Wage Inflation: Negative Feedback Effects from Institutional Change?”, (2012) in European Union Politics.

Excel data file

STATA Commands

Web Appendix (variable details and data sources)