
  • Best presentation “audience award” at circular economy transition, Zurich (April 2019)

    • PSI Founder Fellowship Award (CHF 150000) from PSI Technology Transfer in October 2018

    • Swiss Winner 2018 Award (CHF 10000) from AIT-CH 18 at Zurich (April 18)

    • Stage 1 award from EIT Climate KIC, Zurich, Switzerland (2018)

    • Selected for Academia - Industry Training programme (AIT) 2017-2018 by Venturelab

  • Culmann-Fonds Award 2017 in Environmental Engineering of ETH Zurich, Switzerland awarded to the Master’s thesis co-supervised by me (November 2017)

  • Selected as Postdoctoral Research Scholar to work in Energy and Environment Research Division of Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (May 2015).

  • Selected as India4EuII Postdoctoral Research Scholar to work in University of Bologna, Italy (December 2013 – February 2015).

  • Selected for the Postdoctoral fellowship EXPERTS III to work at KU Leuven University, Belgium (Declined by me).

  • Best Paper Award from ASSET at MEMSEP 2013 held at Mumbai, M.S., India, in September 2013.

  • Best Paper and Oral Presentation Award from IANCAS at NUCAR 2011 held at Visakhapattanam, A.P., India, in February 2011.

  • Senior Research Fellowship from Department of Atomic Energy-Government of India, (2010 – 2013).

  • Junior Research Fellowship from Department of Atomic Energy-Government of India, (2008-2010).