Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

🎬 Start simple with 3 ®️ Rs: ®️ Reduce, ®️ Reuse, ®️ Recycle ❗


Evidently, the benefits of the 3 ®️ Rs are:

 • cutting down on the amount of unneeded production

 • managing waste in an eco-friendly manner

 • cutting down on the amount of waste

 • cutting down on the chances of spreading toxins

 • cutting down on the amount of land needed for landfill sites

 • cutting down on the levels of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution

 • reducing the carbon footprint

 • lessening the risk of damage to the environment

 • reducing the negative environmental impact

 • identifying current resource use and carrying out improvements

 • making more efficient use of resources

 • preserving the natural resources and energy

 • promoting the sustainability of resources and energy as well as the environment

 • seeking and supporting opportunities to improve sustainable work practices

 • saving money on electricity, web assets, web hosting, and visual content creation

 • Helping Create: Clean, Green, Sustainable, Fully-managed, Automated, Adaptable, Scalable… web assets ❗


®️ Reduce the number of web assets as much as possible:

 • only create what is needed

 • reduce the creation of all content

 • create richer interactive content on existing web pages more efficiently by embedding visual content

 • create all-in-one, multi-use, refillable, durable, clean, simple, organized, modular web pages

 • create web objects that can be reused and recycled

 • cut the number of web objects

 • cut the size of web objects

 • cut the amount of storage needed for web objects

 • cut the number of requests made against web objects

 • cut the amount of bandwidth for data transfer to and from web objects ❗

®️ Reuse web assets as much as possible:

 • only create what can be reused

 • use content that has been made from reused visual content

 • reuse all visual content

 • update a web page rather than throwing it away

 • donate a web page to a school, charity, or NGO so that they can keep using it

 • choose a refillable web page instead of a regular one

 • refill a web page with an embedded visual content

 • avoid using heavy-code web pages and choose reusable, light-code, low-energy, eco-friendly, high-efficiency, Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) instead

 • avoid using heavy-code web apps and choose reusable, light-code, low-energy, eco-friendly, high-efficiency, Progressive Web App (PWA) instead

 • share visual content across web pages

 • interlink visual content across web pages ❗

®️ Recycle web assets wherever possible:

 • only create what can be recycled

 • use content that has been made from recycled visual content

 • recycle all visual content

 • transform a video into an image that can be shaped into a new visual content

 • transform an image into a video to produce a new visual content

 • recycle parts of an old web page to make a new web page

 • neatly separate web page modules so that the modules and the entire web page can be recycled ❗

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