Paolo Scanagatta, MD

Chief, Thoracic Surgery Department at "Eugenio Morelli" Hospital, ASST Valtellina Alto Lario, Sondalo, a National and International reference for respiratory diseases.

Paolo Scanagatta, MD, was born in Pavia (Italy) in 1974.

He has been the Director of the Thoracic Surgery Department of the Morelli Hospital since September 2021, and a Lecturer at the Milan University School of Medicine since 2014.

He previously served as a consultant Thoracic Surgeon at the Italian National Cancer Institute (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori), Milan, Italy from 1/2010 to 9/2021.

He is particularly recognized as an expert in Pediatric Thoracic Surgery.

Dr. Scanagatta earned his medical degree in 1999 from the University Medical School in Milan. He completed his training in General Thoracic Surgery at Verona University and City Hospital in 2004 and attended the European School of Thoracic Surgery in the same year. From 2005 to 2008 he was a Clinical Researcher and then a Staff Surgeon at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. In 2008 he joined the Thoracic Surgery Unit in Cuneo, Piedmont, as a Consultant Thoracic Surgeon. In 2010, Dr. Scanagatta joined the Division of Thoracic Surgery at the Italian National Cancer Institute (Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori), Milan.

In 2021 he was appointed director of the Thoracic Surgery Department of the “Eugenio Morelli” Hospital, Sondalo, Italy.

He believes in a multi-modal approach to lung cancer (including translational medicine and target therapies) and accurate preoperative study of surgical candidates; he has also expertised in managing complications to obtain the best postoperative outcomes.

Minimally invasive (VATS) Thoracic Surgery, pulmonary metastasectomy, surgical treatment of refractory tubercolosis and thoracectomy with rib-like reconstruction after chest-wall resection are other current fields of research.

He is Scientific Referent (Thoracic Surgery) for the First Italian Internet Site of Online Medicine and editor of the Literature Section of the Official Internet Site of the Italian Multidisciplinary Workforce Against Lung Cancer (FONICAP) .

He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles.

Dr. Scanagatta is also an editorial member/reviewer of many international peer-reviewed journals and an Expert Referee for the Italian Ministry of University of Research (MIUR) for the Evaluation of Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN).

He is currently Associate Editor-in-Chief of the international peer-reviewed journal Pediatric Medicine (AME publishing, Terms of Appointment: Mar 2020 - Feb 2022).