Criminal Defense

If you are considering a Defense Attorney to defend and represent you in court against a criminal case that is unjustified or over-charged, there get a Free Attorney Case Review.

Here is why you should hire Attorney Christopher Dort:

I have handled criminal and serious traffic court cases in many California Counties since I started with the Santa Cruz Public Defenders Office in 1996.

In general, my criminal practice is limited to common misdemeanor problems such as bench warrants, DUI probation violations, misdemeanors with prior convictions, etc. I focus on those problems because I know how to get results on those cases.

I provide free case reviews with detailed explanations of how I can help by email or over the phone in more serious cases.

Since 2003, I have been the editor of the Traffic Court, and I publish free self help info on many criminal and traffic court issues. I bring 11 years of trial experience in many courts to your side.

Since my first case as a law clerk (homicide in 1996) I've handled hundreds of cases ranging from petty theft and suspend drivers license cases to DUI cases with collisions. And I've done it in most California Courtrooms. In my past work, I've defended Attorneys, and police officers in court who trusted me to get the best outcome.

When I agree to take a criminal case for a client, I evaluate the case, advise the client, make recommendations, and execute clients instructions in court.

Evaluating a case generally means reviewing the charges and the evidence, and getting the client's side of the story. For some complicated cases, it may including hiring an investigator to assist in fact gathering or an expert witness to tell us the weaknesses of the Governement's case. Other factors to consider in evaluating a case are the past plea bargain agreements the local prosecutors have made in similar cases.

After evaluating a case, the second phase of an attorney's work begins and I counsel my client on 1) possible defenses, 2) likely outcomes, 3) how to handle plea negotiations, 4) what to expect in court, and 5) my advice on the best way to resolve a problem.

Where appropriate, I provide details on the cost of defense, options for hiring expert witness is necessary, and how to have the best chance to get a case dismissed.

When considering what advice to give, I take into account likelihood of success, time and resources required, facts of the case, client's needs and other factors to determine what is best for the client.

Free Attorney Case Review.