[23] Dorothée Charlier and Bérangère Legendre, 2024, "Fuel Poverty and Mental Health in the Context of COVID-19 ", Economics and Human Biology, forthcoming. HCERES A – CNRS 2

[22] Dorothée Charlier, Aude Pommeret and Francesco Ricci, 2024, "A Rationale for the Right-to-Development Climate Policy Stance", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, forthcoming. HCERES A – CNRS 1

[21] Rossella Bardazzi, Dorothée Charlier, Bérangère Legendre and Maria-Grazia Pazienza, 2023, “Energy vulnerability in Mediterranean countries: a latent class analysis approach”, Energy Economics, vol. 106883. HCERES A – CNRS 2

[20] Dorothée Charlier, Mouez Fodha et Djamel Kirat, 2023, “CO2 emissions from the residential sectors in Europe and carbon taxation : a country-level assessment”, Energy Journal, vol 34 (5). HCERES A – CNRS 1


[19] Dorothée Charlier et Florian Fizaine, 2023, “Decoupling Gross Domestic Product and Consumption of Raw Materials: A Macro-panel Analysis  ”, avec Florian Fizaine, Sustainable Production and Consumption, vol.36, p194-206


[18]  Dorothée Charlier et Bérangère Legendre, 2022, " Fuel Poverty and Health condition : a panel data analysis ", Revue d’Economie Politique, vol132(2), 245-272. HCERES A – CNRS 2

[17]  Dorothée Charlier et Salomé Bakaloglou, 2021, “The Role of Individual Preferences in Explaining the Energy Performance gap", Energy Economics, 104:105611. HCERES A – CNRS 2


[16]  Dorothée Charlier, 2021, “Explaining the Energy Performance Gap with a Latent Profile Analysis”, Energy Policy, 112:112480. HCERES A – CNRS 2


[15]  Dorothée Charlier et Bérangère Legendre, 2021, “Fuel poverty in industrialized countries: definition, measures and policy implications”, Energy, 236:121557.


[14] Dorothée Charlier et Bérangère Legendre, 2021, "Carbon dioxide emissions and aging : Disentangling behavior from energy efficiency", FAERE working paper, Annales d’Economie et de Statistiques, vol 143. HCERES A – CNRS 2


[13] Dorothée Charlier, Berangère Legendre et Olivia Ricci, 2021 "Measuring Fuel Poverty in Tropical territories: a latent class model", World Development, forthcoming ", World Development, vol.(40), 105278. HCERES A - CNRS 1


[12] Salomé Bakaloglou and Dorothée Charlier, 2019 "Energy Consumption in the French Residential Sector: How Much do Individual Preferences Matter", Energy Journal, Vol.40 (3), HCERES A. - CNRS 1

Autre version: FAERE Policy Papers


[11] Charlier D, Legendre B, Risch A., 2019, Fuel poverty in residential housing: providing financial support versus combatting substandard housing. Applied Economics. 51(49), 5369-5387. HCERES A- CNRS 2


[10] Dorothée Charlier et Sondès Kahouli, 2018, " From residential energy demand to fuel poverty: income-induced non-linearities in the reactions of households to energy price fluctuation”, Energy Journal, vol.40 (2), CNRS rang 1.  IAEE Energy Journal Campbell Watkins Best Paper Award

Autre version: FAERE Policy Papers - HCERES A - CNRS 1


[9] Dorothée Charlier et Bérangère Legendre, 2018, ““Fuel Poverty: A Composite Index Approach”, Energy Journal, vol°40 (2), HCERES A- CNRS rang 1.

Autre version : FAERE Policy Papers - HCERES A


[8] Dorothée Charlier, 2018, " Décisions d’investissement en efficacité énergétique dans le secteur résidentiel : incitations et obstacles à la rénovation/ Energy-Efficiency Investment Decisions in the Housing Sector: Incentives and Barriers, Revue Economique, vol.69 (2), p335-366, HCERES A - CNRS 2


[7] Dorothée Charlier, Anna Risch et Claire Salmon, 2017, “Energy Burden Alleviation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: Can We Reach Two Objectives With One Policy?”, Ecological Economics, vol.143, pp.294-313, HCERES A - CNRS 1

Autre version : FAERE Policy Papers


[6] Dorothée Charlier, Anna Risch and Claire Salmon, 2016, " Les indicateurs de la précarité énergétique en France ", Revue Française d’Economie, vol.4, p.187-230 HCERES B - CNRS 3


[5] Dorothée Charlier, 2015, “Energy-Efficiency Investments in the Context of Split Incentives Among French Households ", Energy Policy, vol. 87, pp.465-479. HCERES A - CNRS 2


[4] Dorothée Charlier, 2014, "Efficacité énergétique dans le bâtiment et paradoxe énergétique : quelles conséquences pour la transition énergétique", Revue d’Economie Industrielle, n°148, 4ème trimestre. HCERES B - CNRS 3


[3] Dorothée Charlier, 2013, “La rénovation énergétique en France dans le secteur résidentiel privé”, Revue de l’OFCE, collection Débats et Politiques, n° 128, p. 395-419. HCERES C - CNRS 4


[2] Dorothée Charlier and Anna Risch, 2012, “Evaluation of the impact of environmental public policy measures on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the French residential sector”, Energy Policy, n°46, p. 170-184. HCERES A - CNRS 2


[1] Dorothée Charlier, Alejandro Mosiño and Aude Pommeret, 2011, “Energy Saving technology adoption under uncertainty in the housing sector”, Annals of Economics and Statistics, special issue on environmental and resource economics, n° 103-104, p.43-70. HCERES A - CNRS 2


Energy poverty and health pathologies: an empirical study applied to the French case, avec bérangère Legendre, dans  “Vulnerable Households in th Energy Transition – Energy Poverty, Demographics and Policies”, Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics », sous la direction de Rossella Bardazzi et Maria Grazia Pazienza, 2023, Springer, Open Access,


13- Dorothée Charlier, David Grover et Swaroop Rao -Local economic development through clean electricity generation–an analysis for Brazil and a staggered difference-in-difference approach


12-Elisabeth Bourgeois, Dorothée Charlier et David Grover, Pro-adaptive Behaviors to Heat Waves : Discerning Intangible from Tangible Factors of Vulnerability using a French Empirical Analysis.


11-Kevin Campagna, Aurélie Foucquier, Anaïs Machard et Dorothée Charlier, Monika Woloszyn ; Analyse et modélisation de la diversité des interactions des occupants avec les fenêtres de logements sociaux durant la période estival.


10-Dorothée Charlier and Tayyar Hasanov, Energy sufficiency and behavioural attitudes in the residential sector.


9-Dorothée Charlier, Gilles Fraisse and Tayyar Hasanov, An effect of building features on how people behave in non-residential buildings to save the energy.


8-Dorothée Charlier and Edda Donati , Preferences and motivation to invest in energy efficiency : Comfort vs energy-saving.


7-Dorothée Charlier and Adan L. Martinez-Cruz, Energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and preferences for indoor thermal comfort in the French residential sector.


6-Dorothée Charlier, Aude Pommeret and Anna Risch Pollution, health and education in China.


5-Dorothée Charlier, Camille Dumeignil and Bérangère Legendre, Inequality in exposure to fine particle pollution and energy inefficiency in housing : the double penalty?.


4-Dorothée Charlier and Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Heating externalities in multi-family housing : Significance, regulation and incidence.


3-Dorothée Charlier, David Grover and Swaroop Rao, Energy-related projects of the Brazilian national bank : how much do they contribute to employment generation and reduction of inequalities?.


2-Dorothée Charlier, Bérangère Legendre and Olivia Ricci, Utility Services Poverty : Addressing the Problem of Household Deprivation in Mayotte.


1-Dorothée Charlier, Sarah Le-Duigou and Bérangère Legendre,  Energetic transition and labour market performance : Can we make 1. Energetic transition and labour market performance : Can we make carbon tax socially acceptable ?.


Dorothée Charlier, 2023, Prix de l’énergie en hausse, rénovation qui stagne : comment expliquer ce paradoxe ?

Dorothée Charlier, 2023, Vulnérabilité à la chaleur : sommes-nous tous égaux ? The conversation, (+150,000 view)

Dorothée Charlier, 2022, Chauffage, les plus aisés sont aussi ceux qui réalisent le moins d’économies d’énergie, The conversation,, (+ de 29000 view)

Dorothée Charlier et Anna Risch, accepté en 2020 et publié en 2021, Confinements et hausse des factures d’énergie : le risque de l’auto-restriction, avec Anna Risch, The conversation,