
Doolittle-Ward Family Tree

This family tree was prepared by Ruby Greiner Nail and Marcelyn Doolittle Gordon, in 1984. The original is on 36"x9' architectural drawing paper. The copy at this link is in .pdf format.

Go to the family tree image.

Royal L. Doolittle (1860 – 1946) and Annie Brown (1864 – 1963)

1. Effie Fadelia Dollittle

2. Charles Frank Doolittle

3. Fred Brown Doolittle

4. Guy Howard Doolittle

5. Clyde Gustavus Doolittle

6. Harry Smiley Doolittle

Generation 2

Effie Fadelia Doolittle and Charles Greiner

1. Loren M. Greiner

2. Lyman W. Greiner

3. Hester C. Greiner

4. Ruby D. Greiner

5. Glenn D. Greiner

6. Esley B. Greiner

Fred Brown Doolittle and Clara Zeihan

1. Donald F. Doolittle

2. Deloris M. Doolittle

3. Marcelyn Doolittle

4. Infant daughter

Guy Doolittle and Mary Hoffman

1. Harold Doolittle

2. Floyd Doolittle

3. Betty Doolittle

Clyde Gustavus Doolittle and Velma Behnsson

1. Enid Doolittle

2. Doris Jeanne

Harry Smiley Doolittle

Did not marry