Retinal Neurobiology and Visual Processing Meeting, 2024, Southbridge, MA. Left to right: Sam, Mike, Philippe, Navid, Sophia, Sydney, Franklin, and Victoria. Photo by Navid.

Michael Tri Hoang Do, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Andreas Liu, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Philippe Morquette, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Franklin Caval-Holme, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Viet Nguyen-Minh, M.D., Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Sophia Wienbar, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Navid Mousavi, B.S.
Ph.D. student, Harvard Program in Neuroscience

Sam Brill-Weil, B.S.
Ph.D. student, Harvard Program in Neuroscience

Sydney Campbell, B.S.
Research Assistant III

Pearl Miller, B.S.
Research Assistant I

Ed Cosgrove, Ph.D.
Lab Manager

The lab's social annex, conveniently located in the Back Bay.

Headlamp group photo  (from left to right): Elliott Milner, Michael Brown, Elizabeth Egan, Alan Emanuel, Michael Do, Greg Bryman, and Andy Liu.


Alan Emanuel, Ph.D.
Former Ph.D. Student
Assistant Professor
Emory University

Elliott Milner, Ph.D.
Former Ph.D. Student
Postdoctoral Fellow
Branco Lab
University College London

Greg Bryman, Ph.D.
Former Ph.D. Student
Senior Scientist, Merck

Hannah Blume, B.S.
Former Research Assistant
Ph.D. Student in Neuroscience
Harvard Medical School

Kendra Morrison, B.S.
Former Intern (Bunker Hill Community College)

Michael Brown, M.S.
Former Research Assistant

Nitara Vishwanath, B.S.
Former Intern (Bunker Hill Community College)

Elisa Rojas-Palato, B.S.
Former Research Assistant (Harvard Program in Neuroscience - Postbaccalaurate Program)

Awsam Bouabid
Former Intern (Northwestern University)

Dylan Hruskar
Former Intern (Northwestern University)

Viewing the eclipse of April 8, 2024. An optical density of 5 or more is recommended for eyewear.

Not pictured: Wendy Liu (Assistant Professor, Stanford University), Molly Kwiatkoswski, Elizabeth Egan, Ryan Adams, and Jerri Miller.

A Thursday evening in front of HMS' Gordon Hall, which is between lab and an occasional site of happy hour. Left to right: Nitara, Franklin, Philippe, and Viet.