

Bringing Them In or Pushing Them Out? The Labor Market Effects of Pro-cyclical Unemployment Assistance Changes
Joint with Silvia Vannutelli
Forthcoming at The Review of Economics and Statistics
[Final version]
Media coverage: [], [Esade], [elEconomista], [Nada es Gratis]

Housing, Neighborhoods, and Inequality
Joint with Guillaume Chapelle and Paula Gobbi
Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 2023

Job Market Paper

Black Neighbors Matter: Officer Neighborhoods and Racial Differences in Policing
Abstract: Ten years of data from a large American city reveal that Black civilians are consistently overrepresented in police street interactions. I combine property registry data, voter files, and employee records to locate officers' exact addresses and study whether racial diversity in their neighborhoods impacts racial differences in policing. I find that White (unlike Black and Hispanic) officers are geographically clustered in a few (predominately White) neighborhoods. Those living in Black neighborhoods are more productive in Black interactions (e.g., more likely to seize drugs during stops). White officers quasi-randomly exposed to a new next-door Black neighbor interact with relatively fewer Blacks and are more productive. Effects are larger among officers in White neighborhoods, with less experience, and with more affluent new neighbors. These findings suggest that segregation may amplify racial differences in policing.

Work in progress

The neighborhoods of offenders
Joint with Stephen Billings, Eric Chyn, and Adam Soliman

Legal origins and wealth inequality in France
Joint with Guillaume Chapelle and Paula Gobbi

Housing inequality in the United States
Joint with Giovanni Paolo Mariani and Lei Ma

Housing inequality in Spain
Joint with Giovanni Paolo Mariani

Policy writing

The impact of housing policy on housing inequality
in Dougherty, S. and H. Kim (eds.) (2023), Bricks, Taxes and Spending: Solutions for Housing Equity across Levels of Government, OECD Fiscal Federalism Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris,