Selection of Student Reviews

"Gerard was always very patient and clear when explaining concepts. He learned the names of the people who attended his discussion and would call on everyone to participate to make sure that all students understood the concepts. He was always on time and had a pleasant demeanour. I always enjoyed his discussions and he is one of my favorite TFs that I have had."

"Very energetic and motivated to teach. Knows what he is talking about."

"Before each class, he would give a short summary of the chapter to help us understand what the material of that chapter is. He also explained the answers to the questions well. He is always willing to explain things in more depth, and he encourages everyone to participate."

"The best TA I have come across so far. He is an amazing instructor."

"Accepts all questions from students, even the most trivial or simple. Reviews materials taught in lectures in a way that helps me better understand the material. Willing to go over the same concepts multiple times in order to help students."

"Gerard is a very approachable and friendly person, easily accessible outside of class times, and always willing to help you better learn the material in any way he can. He encourages any and all participation from the class even when feedback can be sparse at times. He is one of the most patient individuals I have met at BU thus far and truly cares about the students in his classes."

"He has an insight into microeconomics and he’s able to make complicated materials understandable."

"Gerard is really committed to sharing his knowledge with students. He is always in a good mood and ready to take any questions. He is excellent at explaining the material, whether in Discussion or Office Hours."

"Explains details very well, shows example, encourages participation, one of the best discussion instructors i've every had."

"Having us all answer questions in a low-pressure cold calls is something I have only ever seen him do successfully. It helps to engage us and reenforce the material but it never feels embarrassing if you don't know the answer because he's great at subverting. He's also very cheerful and willing to help!"

"Very good professor, one that I wish I had for every class."

"Thank you so much for being our discussion TA! I don't think I would have been as successful in the course without you. 10/10!"