

Motherhood and flexible jobs: Evidence from Latin American countries (with Inés Berniell, Lucila Berniell, María Edo & Mariana Marchionni).  World Development, 2023

Motherhood and Female Labor Market Outcomes in Latin America  (with Inés Berniell, Lucila Berniell, María Edo, Florencia Pinto & Mariana Marchionni).  In  “Mothers in the Labor Market” .José Alberto Molina (editor). Springer, Cham. 

Motherhood, Pregnancy or Marriage Effects? (with Inés Berniell, Lucila Berniell, María Edo, Yarine Fawaz, Matilde Machado & Mariana Marchionni). Economics Letters, 2022. Pre-print PDF.

Gender Gaps in Labor Informality: The Motherhood Effect  (with Inés Berniell, Lucila Berniell, María Edo y Mariana Marchionni).  Journal of Development Economics, 2021.

A blog post about this article in Blog del CEDLAS (Spanish) and Foco Económico (Spanish) 

The Impact of a Permanent Income Shock on the Situation of Women in the Household: the case of a pension reform in Argentina (with Ines Berniell and Matilde Machado).  Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2020.

  Blog and Press about this article in Nada es Gratis (Spanish), Blog del CEDLAS (Spanish), Vox Lacea part1 (English), Vox Lacea part2 (English), Clarín and Bastión Digital (Spanish) 

Echoes of the crises in Spain and US in the Colombian labor market: a differences-in-differences approach  (with Luis Eduardo Arango and Nataly Obando). SERIES: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. November 2015.

Spillovers of Health Education at School on Parents' Physical Activity  (Joint with Lucila Berniell and Nieves Valdes) Health Economics, 2013.  

The Effect of Medicaid Eligibility on Coverage, Utilization, and Children's Health. Health Economics, 2012.

Working papers:

La movilidad educativa intergeneracional en el siglo XX en América Latina y el Caribe (with Lucila Berniell, Cristian Bonavida and Ernesto Schargrodsky)

Asymmetric Information with Multiple Risks: The Case of the Chilean Private Health Insurance Market (with Matilde Machado, Pau Olivella and Nieves Valdes)

Local externalities in labor markets: congestion and information flow among peers (with Lucila Berniell and Federico Juncosa)

Motherhood, Labor Market Trajectories and the Allocation of Talent: Harmonized Evidence on 29 countries (with I. Berniell,  L. Berniell, , M. Edo, Y. Fawaz, M. Machado y M. Marchionni)

Starting on the right track? The effects of first job experience on short and long term labor market outcomes (with Lucila Berniell). CAF working papers series. N° 2017/26.

This paper received the National Academy of Economic Sciences Award (Premio ANCE 2017, Argentina)

Losing Health Insurance When Young: Impacts on Usage of Medical Services and Health (with Carlos Felipe Gaviria). CAF working papers series. N° 2015/04.

Exposure to Pollution and Infant Health: Evidence from Colombia (with C.F. Gaviria).

The Health Impacts of Severe Climate Shocks in Colombia (with Mauricio Valencia-Amaya)