
The following is a list of selected invited and refereed research presentations.

'Social Truth: What Is It and What Do We Want It To Be?', Keynote Address, 167th Annual Creighton Club Conference, Syracuse University, October 2022

'Truth in the Social World', Keynote Address, SIFA Truth in Evaluative Contexts Conference, University of Sassari, September 2022

'Institutional Truth and Political Reform', Truth and Politics Workshop, University of Connecticut Humanities Institute, May 2022

'Determination Pluralism: Doubly Grounded?' (With N.J.L.L. Pedersen), Alethic Pluralism and its Critics Workshop, Arché Research Centre, June 2021

'Truth in the Social World', Uppsala Philosophy Research Seminar, September 2020

Author-Meets-Critics Session on The Metaphysics of Truth, with Nathan Kellen, Michael Lynch, and David Taylor, Truth 20/20 Virtual Conference, August 2020

Invited panellist for ‘Smoke and Flickering Shadows: Truth in 16mm’ panel with Cheryl Misak, Huw Price, and Amie Thomasson, Truth 20/20 Virtual Conference, August 2020

Truth and Social Ontology. International Social Ontology Society Conference, Tufts University, August 2018

Truth and Social Ontology. Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Oxford University, July 2018

"Truth and Social Ontology", University of Albany Invited Speaker Colloquium, Nov 2017

"Against Methodological Deflationism", Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind

Association, Edinburgh University, July 2017

"Alethic Pluralism and the Problem of Mixed Atomics", Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Cardiff University, July 2016

"The Metaphysics of Domains", Pluralisms Global Research Network Conference, Yonsei University, Korea, June 2016

"Truthmaking and the Nature of Truth", Cogito Pluralism Seminar, University of Bologna, February 2015

"Truthmaking and the Nature of Truth", UConn Invited Speaker Series, University of Connecticut, November 2014

“Commentary on Karen Bennett’s ‘Fundamentality and What is Fundamental’”, Big vs Small: Fundamentality in Things, Thought and Language, University of Hamburg, July 2013

“The Norm(s) of Inquiry”, Invited Speaker Seminar, University of Edinburgh, February 2013

“The Norm(s) of Inquiry”, Scots Philosophical Club Annual Meeting, University of Aberdeen, December 2012

“Structure, Truth, and the Plurality of Epistemic Value”, Aporo Epistemology Workshop, University College Dublin, September 2012

“On Pleonastic Properties”, SIFA Answers of Philosophy Conference, University of Sassari, Alghero, September 2012

“Joint-Carving vs Truth as the Goal of Inquiry”, Royal Institute of Philosophy Public Lecture, Queen’s University Belfast, March 2012

“Properties as the Shadows of Predicates”, Philosophy Research Seminar, University of Manchester, November 2011

 “Properties as the Shadows of Predicates”, Aporo Truth and Realism Workshop, July 2011

 “Truth and Ontological Dependence”, Perspectives on Truth Workshop, University College Dublin, May 2011

 “Deflationism, Inflationism, Substantiveness, Sparseness”, Truth be Told: A Workshop on Formal and Philosophical Theories of Truth, Universiteit van Amsterdam, March 2011

“Truth as a Property”, University of Copenhagen, March 2011

“Particularism about Knowledge”, Danish Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, University of Copenhagen, March 2011

“Particularism about Truth and Knowledge”, Philosophy Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin, February 2011

“Truth as a ‘Substantive’ Property”, Aporo/NIP Truth: Concept and Property Workshop, University College Dublin, October 2010

“Realization, Manifestation, and Alethic vs Deflationary Functionalism”, Aporo Symposium on Michael P. Lynch’s Truth as One and Many, University College Dublin, October 2010

“Representation and the Naturalness of Truth”, SIFA Truth, Knowledge and Science Conference, University of Padua, September 2010

“An Eligibility Theory of Reference for Moral Terms”, Open Sessions, Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, UCD, July 2010

 “Moral Twin Earth vs Eligible Ethical Naturalism”, Perspectives on Naturalism Workshop, University College Dublin, May 2010

“Naturalness, Eligibility and Truth”, Northern Institute of Philosophy, December 2009

“Response to Pascal Engel”, Aim of Belief Conference, CSMN, University of Oslo, June 2009

“Minimalism, Truth, and the Externalist Challenge”, Philosophy of Language Workshop, University College Dublin, May 2009

“Domains of Discourse and the Easy Truth Problem”, Alethic Pluralism Workshop, Arché Research Centre, University of St Andrews, January 2009

“Simplifying Truth Pluralism”, UCD Invited Speaker Colloquium, October 2008

“Simplifying Truth Pluralism”, European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, August 2008

“Problems for a Functionalist Theory of Truth”, Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, July 2008

“Simplifying Truth Pluralism”, Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference, University of Sydney, March 2008

“How (and Why) We Should be Pluralists about Truth”, RSSS Philosophy Society, Australian National University, March 2008

“Another Way to be a Pluralist about Truth”, UConn Graduate Seminar, September 2007

“How to be a Pluralist about Truth”, SIFA Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of Padua, September 2007

“A Minimalist Theory of Goodness”, Postgraduate Sessions, Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of Bristol, July 2007

“Alethic Pluralism and the Problem of Mixed Conjunctions”, Open Minds Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of Manchester, June 2007

 “The Minimalist Theory of Goodness and Moral Twin Earth”, Virginia Tech Graduate Conference, Virginia Tech University, November 2006

“Concepts, Conceptions and Shared Content”, UConn Graduate Seminar, October 2006

“The Minimalist Theory of Goodness and Moral Twin Earth”, Yale/UConn Graduate Conference, Yale University, October 2006