Curriculum Vitae

Daniel M. Russell


1600 Amphitheatre Parkway

Mountain View, CA • 94301


Senior Research Scientist, Search Quality & User Happiness, Google

Mountain View, CA (August, 2005—present)

• improving the search quality of Google for end users; conducting field & lab studies of Google use patterns and sensemaking behaviors, emphasizing understanding real-world searcher behavior

Senior Research Scientist, Sensemaking Group, User Sciences & Experience Lab (USER)

IBM Almaden Research Center, San José, CA (November, 2004—August, 2005)

• manage small research group of 7 researchers in sensemaking projects; more time on details of research into sensemaking as applied to a large internal research project

Senior Manager, User Sciences & Experience Lab (USER)

IBM Almaden Research Center, San José, CA (June, 2000—November, 2004)

• manage research group of 35 researchers in 5 areas—covering work from human factors to user experience design of large systems; from basic research to advanced development

• responsible for directing research, setting research strategic direction for group, funding lab from IBM internal sources, internal communication of research work, external communication of research value to customers

• produce, direct and participate in large workshops at Almaden (annual New Paradigms on User Computing, NPUC, from 2000—2005; occasional workshops on other topics)

Manager, Web-Based Intermediaries

IBM Almaden Research Center, San José, CA (January, 2000 – June, 2000)

• manage research group of 6 researchers in technology transfer to production task. (January, 2000 – June, 2000)

Manager, User Experience Research area

Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA (December, 1997 – January, 2000)

• managed research group of 5 researchers on interdisciplinary projects for research and development in the areas of distributed UI, time visualizations & multimedia document reading. (Sept, 1998 – January, 2000)

• defined and led work on Madcap project – a system to capture, organize and render large amounts of complex presentation materials into an understandable whole. Implemented in Java and Quicktime, cross-platform, multiple media tracks with integrated analysis tools and methods. (Sept, 1998– May, 1999)

• led, managed and coordinated UI design and software engineering team of 10 to design, test, develop and prototype a completely new UI for a pen-based, e-book style tablet computer. Teamwork included interface, overall system design, detailed document infrastructure. Worked closely with marketing, industrial design, executive and hardware teams. (December, 1997 – September, 1998)

Director, Knowledge Management Technology Laboratory

Apple Computer, Advanced Technology Group, Cupertino, CA (March, 1997- October, 1997)

• directed laboratory of 5 research programs, 35 researchers in total

• coordinated cross-Apple research and application of research results to products

• strategic market & research analyses for corporation on Network Computing (working with Apple CEO, Apple founder and team of external analysts)

Manager, User Experience Research program

Apple Computer, Advanced Technology Group, Cupertino, CA (November, 1994 - March, 1997)

• managed research group of 10 researchers and multiple sets of interns on topics of:

» shared awareness information

» physical / virtual / augmented knowledge access & embedding

» cooperative & collaborative work

» computational collaborative infrastructure

» knowledge-based use of heterogenous, distributed information

» information visualization & access

» distributed interfaces

» new models of user experience

Senior Researcher

Apple Computer, Advanced Technology Group, Cupertino, CA (July, 1993 - November, 1994)

• research on intelligent agent architectures and agent implementations

• design and implement automatic document classification tools

• research and development of Internet knowledge resource discovery systems

• development of network information agent applications (knowbots)

• developed an AI planner-based intelligent help for Macintosh OS

Member of the Research Staff

Xerox Corporation, Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA (May, 1984 - July, 1993)

• research on information visualization in the User Interface Research group

• development of information visualization tools

• research on automatic document composition from heterogenous, multimedia databases

• research on design rationale acquisition, representation and use

• managed the IDE Project (5/89 - 5/90), implemented transfer of IDE from Xerox to IRL for licensing and distribution

• co-managed the IDE Project (5/85 - 5/89), , [ARI Contract # MDA 903-83-C-0189] establishing internal and external alpha & beta test sites; company-wide internal use; continuing system design and development in response to use; intelligent computer-aided instruction, qualitative physics for device modeling, ICAI systems

• developed the IDE-Interpreter (a planner-based adaptive tutoring system exploring issues of instructional knowledge representation, the creation and use of tutorial plans, automatic synthesis of multimedia documents)

• research on design methods and models in theory and practice

• research on access methods and visualizations for knowledge and data bases

Affiliate Research Member

Institute for Research on Learning, (IRL) Palo Alto, CA (January, 1987 - December, 1994)

• managed the IDE project at IRL, (1/90--1/91) developing IDE as a design and knowledge acquisition system for instructional materials creation, porting IDE from Interlisp-D and Notecards hypermedia onto Macintosh using FoxBase

• research on problem-solving in ill-structured domains, instructional design, the rationalization of instructional designs, instruction creation practice, tutoring behavior, the effects of context and situation on teaching and instruction design

• created the "Alexandria” architecture, a learning resources management system for large collections of instructional courseware


Stanford University, Computer Science Department

• seminar: Design Rationale (with Tom Gruber) September – December, 1991

• course: Principles of Knowledge Engineering (with Mark Stefik) January – April, 1994


Santa Clara University, Computer Engineering Dept (September, 1988 – December 1998)

• teach graduate-level sequence and special topic seminars in Artificial Intelligence

Research Associate

Xerox Corporation, Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA (Sept, 1982 – May, 1984)

• Artificial Intelligence research for Cognitive and Instructional Sciences Group, Bluebonnet project (planner-based expert help system) with Richard Fikes

• created InterCalc (constraint-based reasoning in a spreadsheet) with J.S. Brown and Johan DeKleer

• created, taught, administered two in-house Interlisp-D courses for Xerox PARC employees

• created, taught, administered an Interlisp-D / LOOPS (Lisp Object-Oriented Programming language) professional course, given at the Xerox International Management and Training Center, Leesburg, VA. (August, 1983) (with John Vittal, Danny Bobrow, Mark Stefik, Sanjay Mittal)


1999 – 2002 -- $1,500,000 over 3 years to Xerox PARC and University of Washington. Borriello, G., Russell, D., Want, R., Wetherall, D. DARPA BAA-99-07.

Title: “Workscapes: Creating a fluid computational environment for knowledge work”

(Later renamed to “Portolano: An expedition into invisible computing”)

1989-90 - $30,000 to Russell, D. M. and Pirolli, P. - from: National Center on Vocational Education Research, Berkeley, CA.

Title: “Computer Assisted Instructional Design for Computer-based Instruction”


US Patent 11,747,169. EU Patent 07783616.1-1527 (December, 2008) “Web notebook tools”

US Patent 7,143,362 (November, 2006) “System and method for visualizing and navigating content in a graphical user interface”

US Patent 5,530,235 (July, 1996) “Interactive contents revealing storage device” (DocuCard)

US Patent 5,534,975 (July, 1996) “Document process system utilizing document service cards to provide document processing services”

Almaden IP Disclosure filed: “Analytic worksheets for streaming media” ARC820050079 (May, 2005)


Moraveji, N., Russell, D. M., Mease, D. “Measuring improvement in user search performance resulting from optimal search tips” Proceedings of SIGIR 2011, Beijing, China (2011)

Dumais, S., Jeffries, R., Russell, D. M., Tang, D., Teevan, J. “Large-scale logs analysis tutorial” SIGCHI full-day workshop, CHI 2011, Vancouver, B.C, Canada. (May, 2011)

Co-editor Peter Pirolli, special issue on “Sensemaking” Human-Computer Interaction Journal, vol. 26, n. 1 & 2 (April, 2011)

Pirolli, P. Russell, D. M. “Introduction to this special issue on sensemaking” Human-Computer Interaction Journal, v 26, n 1 & 2, p 1 – 8 (April, 2011)

Russell, D. M. “Making the most of online searches” APS Observer, v 24, n 4 (April, 2011) also available as:

Ma, L., Mease, D., Russell, D. M. “A Four Group Cross-Over Design for Measuring Irreversible Treatments on Web Search Tasks” Proceedings of Hawai’i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) 2011, Kauai, HI.

Ma, L., Mease, D., Russell, D. M. “A Four Group Cross-Over Design for Measuring Irreversible Treatments on Web Search Tasks” Proceedings of Hawai’i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) 2011, Kauai, HI.

Russell, D. M., Furnas, G., Stefik, M., Card, S., Pirolli, P. “Sensemaking Workshop CHI 2009,” p. 3981-3984, Proc. Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), Boston, MA (2009)

Russell, D. M., “Research on search in the academy and industry,” IEEE Computer, special issue on Complex Search (ed., G. Marchionini), p 67-68, (March, 2009)

Oliveria, F., Russell, D. M., Aula, A. “Discriminating the relevance of web search results with measures of pupil dilation” CHI 2009 (short paper), Boston, US.

Russell, D. M., D. Tang, R. Jeffries, M. Kellar, “Task behaviors during web search: The difficulty of assigning labels,” 42st Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), Waikoloa, HI. (Jan, 2009)

Russell, D. M., M. Oren, “Retrospective Cued Recall: A method for accurately recalling previous user behaviors,” HICSS 2009, Kona, HI. (Jan, 2009)

Beymer, D., P. Z. Orton, D. M. Russell “An Eye Tracking Study of How Font Size and Type Influence Online Reading” Proc. HCI 2008, British Computer Society, vol 2, pp. 15-18, (Sept 2008)

Aula, A., Russell, D. M. “Complex and exploratory search” NSF Workshop on Complex Search, Chapel Hill, NC. (June 28, 2008)

Russell, D. M., R. Jeffries, L. Irani “Sensemaking for the rest of us” CHI Workshop on Sensemaking 2008, CHI Conference Workshop paper, Florence, Italy (April, 2008)

Russell, D. M., Furnas, G., Stefik, M., Card, S., Pirolli, P. “Sensemaking Workshop CHI 2008,” p 3981-3984, Proc. Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), Florence, Italy (2008)

Russell, D. M. D. Tang, M. Kellar, A. Najmi, N. Sharma, M. Meyer, E. Konar, D. Pregibon “Task behaviors during web search” Google internal white paper (Jan, 2008)

Russell, D. M. “Deeply Intertwingled: The unexpected legacy of Ted Nelson’s Dream Machines/Computer Lib” Chapter in HCI Remixed: Reflections on Works That Have Influenced the HCI Community, p 13-18, T. Erickson, D. MacDonald (eds) MIT Press, 2008. .

Russell, D. M., Lawrence, S., “Search Everything” Book chapter for Personal Information Management (J. Teevan, W. Jones, eds.) (2007)

Russell, D. M. “Continual updates: The way of web-based software” sidebar for book The Power of Web-based Software Release, William Jones. (2007)

Russell, D. M., Grudin, J. “Minitrack summary: Using information—new technologies, ways & means” pg 83. Proc. of Hawai’i International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) 2007.Beymer, D., Russell, D. M., Orton, P. Z., “An Eye Tracking Study of How Pictures Influence Online Reading” accepted to INTERACT 2007, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (July, 2007)

Grimes, C., Tang, D., Russell, D. M. “Query logs alone are not enough” WWW 2007, Workshop on Query Logs Analysis: Social and Technological Challenges, Banff, Canada (May, 2007)

Tang, D., Russell, D. M., Pregibon, D., “Why your web session analysis is biased: Assumptions about data and the tradeoffs involved” Google internal white paper. (April, 2007)

Lam, H., Russell, D. M., Tang, D.,Munzner, T., “ Session Viewer: supporting visual exploratory analysis of web session logs” Accepted to VAST-2007, Sacramento, CA. (October, 2007)

Beymer, D., Russell, D. M., Orton, P. Z., “An eye tracking study of how font size, font type and pictures influence online reading” submitted to INTERACT 2007.

Orton, P. Z., Beymer, D., Russell, D. M., “Computer text line lengths affect reading and learning” accepted to Training and Development Journal (2007)

Russell, D. M., Grimes, C. “Assigned and self-chosen tasks are not the same in web search” Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference on Systems & Software, HICSS 2007, Kona, Hawai’i, (full paper, 40% acceptance rate) (Jan, 2007)

Russell, D. M. “Deeply Intertwingled: The unexpected legacy of Ted Nelson’s Dream Machines/Computer Lib” Chapter for HCI Remixed book. Submitted July, 2006.

Russell, D. M., Lawrence, S., “Search Everything” Book chapter for “PIM book” by J. Teevan and W. Jones. Submitted June, 2006.

Jones, W., Pirolli, P., Card, S., Fidel, R., Gershon, N., Morville, P., Nardi, B. A., Russell, D. M. "It's about the information stupid! Why we need a separate field of human-information interaction.” CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 65-68. (2006)

Huang, E. M., Mynatt, E. D., Russell, D. M., Sue, A. E. “Secrets to Success and Fatal Flaws: The Design of Large Display Groupware” IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications. v 26, n 1, pp. 37-45. (Jan-Feb, 2006)

Russell, D. M., Slaney, M., Qu, Y., Houston, M. “Being literate with large document collections: Observational studies and cost structure tradeoffs” Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Conference on Systems & Software, HICSS 2006, Kauai, Hawai’i, (full paper, 40% acceptance rate) (Jan, 2006)

Russell, D. M., “The human side of intelligent agents: How and why agents and people need to get along” Brazilian International Conference on Intelligent Agents (SEMISH 2005), Soa Leopoldo, Brazil (July 25, 2005)

Furnas, G. W., Russell, D. M., “Making sense of sensemaking” ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '05 extended abstracts, Portland, OR, USA, pp: 2115 – 2116 (2005)

Russell, D. M., Slaney, M. “Analytic Worksheets: A Framework to Support Human Analysis of Large Streaming Data Volumes” INTERACT 2005 (short paper; 36% acceptance rate out of 345 submissions) (September, 2005)

Beymer, D., Russell, D. M. “Narrow vs. Wide Paragraphs: An Eye Tracking Analysis” full paper, INTERACT 2005. (25% acceptance rate out of 264 submissions) (September, 2005)

Russell, D. M., Dieberger, A., Bhagwan, V., Gruhl, D., “The use of large visualizations for complex system awareness” INTERACT 2005, Rome, Italy (short paper; 36% acceptance rate) (September, 2005)

Russell, D. M., Slaney, M., Qu, Y., Houston, M. “A Cost Structure Analysis of Manual and Computer-supported Sensemaking Behavior” Intelligence Analysis 2005 Conference, McLean, VA (short paper /poster, 26% acceptance rate out of 394 submissions) (May, 2005)

Beymer, D., Russell, D. M. “WebGazeAnalyzer: A System for Capturing and Analyzing Web Reading Behavior Using Eye Gaze” CHI 2005, short papers. (33% acceptance rate) (April, 2005)

Russell, D. M., Streitz, N., Winograd, T., “Building disappearing computers: Designing large displays for use in ubiquitous computing environments” Communications of the ACM, pp 42-49, ( March, 2005)

Russell, D.M.; Dieberger, A. “Minitrack Summary: Media Literacy-Reading and Writing Digital Forms” HICSS '05. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. (short paper) (January, 2005)

Slaney, M., & Russell, D. M., “Measuring Information Understanding in Large Document Collections,” Hawai’i Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference on Systems & Software, HICSS 2005, Kona, Hawai’i, (full paper, 40% acceptance rate) (January, 2005)

Russell, D. M., Cousins, S. “ IBM Almaden's User Sciences & Experience Research Lab” Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference 2004, Vienna, Austria (2004)

Russell, D. M. “UBICOMP 2003: Sensors in Seattle” Pervasive Computing Journal, v 3, n 2, p 76-80 (2004)

Huang, E.M., Russell, D.M., and Sue, A.E. IM here: Public instant messaging on large, shared displays for workgroup interactions. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vienna, Austria, ACM Press, New York, 279–286 (Apr. 2004)

Russell, D., Sue, A., Moving to Linux on the Desktop: The User Experience, IBM internal whitepaper (June, 2004)

Russell, D. M., Trimble, J. T., Dieberger, A. “The use patterns of large, interactive display surfaces: Case studies of media design and use for BlueBoard and MERBoard” Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawai’i International Conference on Systems & Software, HICSS 2004, Kona, Hawai’i, (January, 2004).

Russell, D., Sue, A., “Large interactive public displays: Use patterns, support patterns, community patterns” book chapter in O’Hara, K., Perry, M., Churchill, E., Russell, D. M. (eds.) Public and Situated Displays: Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display Technologies. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (2003)

O’Hara, K., Perry, M., Churchill, E., Russell, D. M. (eds.) Public and Situated Displays: Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display Technologies. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (2003)

Huang, E. M., Russell, D. M., Sue, A. E. “On the adoption of groupware for large displays: Factors for design and deployment” UBICOMP Conference 2003 Conference, Seattle, WA. (poster), (2003)

Russell, D. M. “Appropriate displays of intimacy: Lessons from digital jewelry and large interactive displays” UBICOMP Conference 2003 (workshop paper), Seattle, WA.

Norman, D., Ortony, A., Russell, D. M. “Affect and Machine Design: Lessons for the Development of Autonomous Machines” IBM Systems Journal, v 42, n 1 (2003)

Russell, D. M., Maglio, P., Dordick, R., Neti, C. “Dealing with Ghosts: Designing the user experience of autonomic computing” IBM Systems Journal v 42, n 1 (2003)

Russell, D. M. “Learning to see, seeing to learn: visual aspects of sensemaking,” in Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII, Bernice Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos Pappas, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 5007 (2003).

Russell, D. M., Dieberger, A. “Automatic creation of evocative information summaries: A template-driven information synthesizer” Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawai’i International Conference on Systems & Software, HICSS 2003, Kona, Hawai’i, (January, 2003).

Russell, D. M., Sue, A. “Large interactive public displays: Use patterns, support patterns, community patterns” CSCW Workshop on Public, community and situated displays: Design, use and interaction around shared information displays, New Orleans, US. (November, 2002)

Russell, D. M., Sue, A. “Using large interactive public displays for collaboration” Workshop on Collaboration with interactive walls and tables, UBICOMP 2002, Goteborg, Sweden (October, 2002)

Russell, D. M., Drews, C., Sue, A. “Social aspects of using large public interactive displays for collaboration” (Short paper) Proceedings of UBICOMP Conference, Goteborg, Sweden (October, 2002)

Russell, D. M., Trimble, J., Wales, R. “Two paths from the same place: Task driven and human-centered evolution of a group information surface” Make IT Easy Conference, San Jose, CA, USA. (June 2002) Won “Best Paper” award at the Make IT Easy Conference. Corresponding demonstration also won “Best Demo” at the conference.

Russell, D. M., Gossweiler, R. “On the design of large personal & communal information appliances” Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Atlanta, GA, USA. Pages: 354 – 361. (September, 2001)

Dieberger, A. & Russell, D. M. “Context lenses – Document visualization and navigation tools for rapid access to detail” Interact 2001, IOS Press, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 545-552. (July, 2001).

Wilcox, L. & Russell, D. M. “Digital Documents in the Office and Education” Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences ( HICSS-34), vol: 4, p: 4041 (January, 2001)

Dieberger, A., Russell, D. M. “Exploratory Navigation in Large Multimedia Documents using Context Lenses” Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), Kona, Hawai’i, pp 911-917 (January, 2001)

Russell, D. M. “The User Experience of ubiquitous computing” book chapter, Müncher Kreis (Munich Council of Industrial Development) Germany. (Fall, 2000)

Want, R., Russell, D. M. “Tags, IDs and what to do with them” Distributed Systems Online, v 1, n 1. (Sept 15, 2000)

Russell, D. M. “Design practice in the User Experience Research Group at Xerox PARC,” Interactions, v 7, n 2, pgs 82-87, ACM (March, 2000).

Russell, D. M. “A design-pattern-based video summarization technique: Moving from low-level signals to high-level structure” Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawai’i, IEEE (Jan, 2000). 10 pp. v. 1.

Russell, D. M. “Portable Document Readers (PDR) & E-Books: Designing a Handheld E-Reading Experience,” PARC Internal Technical Report. (Jan, 1999)

Russell, D. M., Weiser, M. “The future of integrated design of ubiquitous computing in combined real and virtual worlds” CHI-98, Los Angeles, CA (May, 1998).

Streitz, N., Russell, D. M. “Basics of Integrated Information and Physical Spaces: The State of the Art” CHI-98, Los Angeles, CA (May, 1998)

Russell, D. M. “Design vs. Technology vs. Understanding in Information Graphics: A three-way battle for the reader,” AIGA Journal, v 16, n 2 (July, 1998)

Russell, D. M. “An overview of the Knowledge Management Technology Laboratory” SIGCHI Bulletin, v 30, n 2 (April, 1998) also as:

Russell, D. M. “The User Experience Research Group” SIGCHI Bulletin, v 30, n 2 (April, 1998) also as:

Russell, D. M. “Thoughts about Roomware: A visiting scholar’s impressions and considerations” Technical Report, Ambiente Group, GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany (Dec 17, 1997)

Russell, D. M., Doherty, R., Burns, A., Lee, F., Hancock, E. “Network Computing: Analysis & proposed strategy for Apple Computer” Internal ATG White Paper. (July, 1997).

Russell, D. M. “Searching on the WWW: Some heuristics to make your searches faster and better” Apple Technology Review (April, 1997).

Russell, D. (ed.) “User Experience Research Papers - 1996” A collection of research work performed by the UER group during 1996. (Nov, 1996).

Christianson, D., Russell, D. M. “Planners in the Mac OS” Apple Technical Report #96-6. (Oct, 1996)

Russell, D. M. “Ways to create Distinctly Superior User Values in Apple Products” Internal Apple White Paper, (May 27, 1996).

Russell, D. M., Bellotti, V. “CHI-96 Review” ATG Review, Apple Computer internal journal (May, 1996).

Erickson, T., Henderson, A., Hill, C., Norman, D., Russell, D. , Saddler, H. “Activity Based Computing” Advanced Technology Group Technical Report #151 (January, 1996)

Russell, D. M. “Dialog models for intelligent agents” Lifelike Computer Characters Workshop, Snowbird, UT (October, 1994)

Davis, M., Baudin, C., Smadar, K., Russell, D. M. “No multimedia without representation” Proceedings of the Second ACM Multimedia Conference, San Francisco, CA (June, 1994)

Glushko, Robert J., Dougherty, Dale, Kimber, Eliot, Rizk, Antoine, Russell, Daniel M., Summers, Kent (1994): HTML -- Poison or Panacea?. In: Proceedings of ECHT 94 the ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology. Sept 18-23, 1994, Edinburgh, UK. p.245-246

Paolini, Paolo, Glushko, Robert J., Dougherty, Dale, Kimber, Eliot, Rizk, Antoine, Russell, Daniel M. (1994): Does Multimedia Make a Difference?. In: Proceedings of ECHT 94 the ACM European Conference on Hypermedia Technology. Sept 18-23, 1994, Edinburgh, UK. p.247

Russell, D. M. “Creating and using index links in multimedia documents: a simple knowledge-augmented approach” AAAI-94 Workshop on Indexing in Multimedia, Seattle, WA (June, 1994)

Russell, D. M., Stefik, M. J., Pirolli, P., Card, S. K. . The cost structure of sensemaking. In Proceedings of ACM INTERCHI'93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 269—276 (1993)

Russell, D. M. “Agents: A survey and state-of-the-art report” Intelligent Systems Program, White Paper, Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA (November, 1993)

Russell, D. M. “An annotated intelligent agents bibliography” Intelligent Systems Program, White Paper, Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA (November, 1993)

Russell, D. M. "Hypermedia & Education” Tutorial notebook, Hypertext ‘93, Seattle, WA. (November, 1993) Also presented at Ed-Media Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (June, 1994), Also European Conference on Hypertext (ECHT), Edinburgh, Scotland (September, 1994).

Russell, D. M. "Construction in Storyspace, MacWeb and IDE” Technical Briefing, Hypertext ‘93, Seattle, WA. (November, 1993)

Rao, R., Russell, D. M., Mackinlay, J. D. "System components for embedded information retrieval from multiple disparate information sources" Proc. of 1993 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, (UIST '93) Atlanta, GA. (November, 1993)

Russell, D. M. “Apple & the Internet: Plugging everyone into the world network” Internal White Paper for Internet Working Group, Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA (October, 1993)

Russell, D. M. "Hypermedia, Multimedia, Information Visualization: What can they do for me?" Proc. of American Statistical Association, Conference, San Francisco, CA (July, 1993).

Russell, D. M. "Portable Document Readers" White paper for Xerox Ubiquitous Computing Workshop, Los Altos, CA (April, 1993)

Russell, D. M., Pirolli, P. (July, 1992) “Computer assisted instructional design for computer-based instruction” Final report to the National Center for Research on Vocational Education.

Gruber, T., Russell, D. M. (July, 1992) “Beyond the record and replay paradigm for design rationale support” AAAI Conference, Design Rationale Workshop, San Jose, CA.

Russell, D. M, Pirolli, P. (May, 1992) “An Instructional Design Environment for cognitive tasks involving software use” American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, CA.

Gruber, T. R., Russell, D. M. (April, 1992) ”Generative design rationale: Beyond record and replay” Xerox PARC Technical Report SSL-92-59 Submitted for inclusion as book chapter in Design Rationale, T. Moran, editor; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Press, to appear, Summer, 1993

Russell, D. M. (April, 1992) "The Instructional Design Environment (IDE): a tool for designing and creating instructional materials" IRL Technical Summary, Palo Alto, CA.

Russell, D. M., Stefik, M. J. (January, 1992) "Beyond information retrieval: Information systems for sensemakers" Xerox PARC Technical Report 92-xxxx.

Gruber, T., Russell, D. M. (December, 1991) "Derivation and use of design rationale information as expressed by designers" Xerox PARC Technical Report SSL-92-xxxx Also as Stanford Technical Report, KSL-92-64.

Russell, D. M. (October, 1991) "Semiformal representations for the analysis of complex domains" NATO Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Training, Venice, Italy. (Also published in Advanced Technologies Applied to Training Design, Chatelier, P., Seidel, R. J., eds., 1992, Plenum Books.)

Russell, D. M. (July, 1991) "The ontologies of knowledge representations: Why knowledge definitions should not be protected" United Nations World Intellectual Property Rights Association, UN Publication UN-378.

Russell, D. M., Kelley, L. K. (April, 1991) "Encouraging reflection through an automated design tool: Using IDE for teacher education" American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL.

Swartz, M., Russell, D. M., Walker, G. (December, 1990), "Designing foreign language tutoring systems: An application in Chinese" <some foreign language journal>

Russell, D. M. "Hypermedia and Education" (November, 1990) Tutorial notes, European Conference on Hypertext (ECHT) '90, INRIA, Paris, France.

Gruber, T., Russell, D. M. (July, 1990) "Design Knowledge and Design Rationale: A Framework for Representation, Capture and Use" Knowledge Systems Laboratory Technical Report KSL90-45, Stanford University (also available as SSL Technical Report SSL-91, Xerox PARC.)

Russell, D. M. (August, 1990) "Problems Students Experience with the Apple Macintosh Environment (... and how to avoid them ...)" IRL Technical Report , Institute for Research on Learning, Palo Alto, CA.

Russell, D. M., Kelley, L. K., Miner, S. (June, 1990) "IDE 2.0 Tutorial" IRL Technical Report, Institute for Research on Learning, Palo Alto, CA.

Russell, D. M., (1990) "Hypermedia and Representation" In Hypertext und Hypermedia: Von theoretischen Konzepten zu praktischen Anwendungen, (P. Gloor, N. Streitz, eds.), Informatick-Fachberichte Heidelberg: Springer, Germany.

Pirolli, P., Russell, D. M. (1990) "The Instructional Design Environment: Technology to Support Design Problem Solving" Instructional Science, 19: 121-144.

Streitz, N., Russell, D. M. (April, 1990) Hypertextsysteme: Konzepte und Anwendungen. Tutorial for the Deutsche Informatik Akademie, Bonn, W. Germany.

Walker, G., Swartz, M., Russell, D. M. (April, 1990) "Chinese FLLESH: Hypertext design of a hypermedia curriculum in Chinese common speech" 9th World Conference of Applied Linguistics, Greek Applied Linguistics Association, Thessalonika, Greece.

Gloor, Peter A., Kibby, Michael R., McAleese, Ray, Mühlhäuser,Max, Nelson, Gerald C., Russell, D. M.: How Should Hypermedia Authoring Systems for Computer Aided Instruction Look? (Panel). ECHT 1990: 337-342.

Russell, D. M. (1990) "Alexandria: A Learning Resources Management Architecture" book chapter in Designing Hypermedia for Learning, pgs 439-457, Springer-Verlag, (NATO ASI Series, v. 67) D. Jonassen, H. Mandl, eds.

Russell, D. M., Pirolli, P. (July, 1989) "Computer Assisted Instructional Design for Computer-based Instruction" Grant Proposal to National Center on Vocational Education Research

Jordan, D., Russell, D. M., Jensen, A.M., Rogers, R. A. (October, 1989) "Facilitating the Development of Representations in Hypertext with IDE" Proceedings of Hypertext 89, Pittsburgh, PA.

Swartz, M. L., Russell, D. M. (November, 1988) "FL-IDE: Hypertext for Structuring a Conceptual Design for Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Learning" Reprinted in Intelligent Language Tutoring Systems, M. Yazdani, Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1990) Published in Instructional Science, 18: 5-26 (1989) Originally presented at International Workshop on Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Second Language Learning, Trieste, Italy, (November, 1988).

Russell, D. M., Burton, R. R., Jordan, D.S., Jensen, A. M., Rogers, R.A., Cohen, J. (August, 1988) "Creating Instruction with IDE: Tools for Instructional Designers" Xerox PARC SSL report P88-0007, Intelligent Tutoring Media, v 1, n 1 (1990); reprinted in AI and Education, (M. Yazdani, R. Lawler, eds.), Learned Information, Cambridge (1991); reprinted in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, (E. Bar-on, Scherz & Eylon, eds.), Ablex Publishing, New Jersey (1993)

Pirolli, P., Russell, D. M. (June, 1988) "Towards Theory and Technology for the Design of Intelligent Tutoring Systems" International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal, Canada.

Russell, D. M., Moran, T., Jordan, D. (1988) "The Instructional Design Environment" in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lessons Learned, J. Psotka, D. Massey Jr., S. Mutter (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Hillsdale, NJ.

Russell, D. M. (1988) "The IDE-Interpreter" in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lessons Learned, J. Psotka, D. Massey Jr., S. Mutter (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Hillsdale, NJ.

Greeno, J., Pirolli, P., Russell, D. M., Schoenfeld, A. (November, 1987) "Problem Solving in High School Algebra: Research and Development for Teacher Education, Instruction, and Technology" Grant proposal to the James S. McDonnell Foundation.

Jensen, A.M., Jordan, D.S., Russell, D. M. (October, 1987) "The IDE System for Creating Instruction" Proceedings of Applications of Artificial Intelligence and CD-ROM in Education and Training, Arlington, VA.

Mittal, S., Sang, H., Araya, A., Godreau, E., Lavendel, G., Russell, D. M., Tatar, D. (October, 1987) "Knowledge-Based Productivity Tools: Opportunities for Research at Xerox" Xerox Internal Report to the Office of Center Manager, Palo Alto, CA.

Jordan, D. S., Burton, R. R., Jensen, A.M., Russell, D. M. (September, 1987) "A Hypertext Environment to Support the Task of Instructional Design" PARC ISL Technical Report.

Shrager, J., Jordan, D., Moran, T., Kiczales, G., Russell, D. M. (December, 1987) "Pragmatic Issues in Qualitative Modeling: Lessons Learned from Modeling Xerography" Communications of the ACM, 30, 12.

Psotka, J., Massey, L.D. Jr., Russell, D. M. (June, 1987) "An Overview of ARI Research in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction (ICAI)" Army Research Institute Abstracts, Alexandria, VA.

Quinn, L., Russell, D. M. (April, 1986) "Intelligent Interfaces: User Models and Planners" Computer-Human Interaction Conference, SIGCHI-ACM, Boston, MA.

Russell, D., Moran, T., Newman, S. (January, 1985) "The Semantics of Procedures: Interim Progress Report I" Report to Army Research Institute.

Russell, D., Moran, T., Newman, S. (July, 1985) "The Semantics of Procedures: Interim Progress Report II" Report to Army Research Institute.

Russell, D. M. (December, 1984) "Schema-Based Problem Solving" Ph.D. Thesis, University of Rochester.

Russell, D. M. (Summer, 1984) Book review of Wilensky's "Planning and Understanding" AI Journal,

Russell, D. M. (September, 1983) Chapter Two, “Introduction to Interlisp,” Interlisp Manual, Xerox PARC.

Whitaker, H., Russell, D. M. (December, 1979) “Apraxia as a Dysfunction of a Planning Mechanism” Cognitive Science and Brain Theory vol 3, no 2.

Russell, D. M. (August, 1979) “Where Do I Look Now? Modeling and Inferring Object Locations from Constraints” Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Conference (IEEE-PRIP), Chicago, IL.

Russell, D. M., Brown, C. M. (November, 1978) “Locating Objects in Images Using Constraints” Proceedings of DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

Russell, D. M. (August, 1978) “Constraint Networks: Modeling and Inferring Object Locations from Constraints,” Technical Report 38, University of Rochester, NY.


Russell, D. M., Norman, D. “Lewis & Clark’s Journey Across North America” a Google Earth kiosk-based exhibit at the

Museum of American Heritage, Palo Alto, CA (January – May, 2006)

Slaney, M., Russell, D. M. Short videos for Distillery Project (June, 2005) (1) “Analytic Worksheets,”

(2) “Streaming Social Networks,” (3) “Standing Queries”

Russell, D. M., Sue, A. “Serenity: A vision of personal avatars for interrupt reduction” Video (March, 2003)

Russell, D. M., Sue, A. “BlueBoards for shoulder-to-shoulder collaboration” Video (July, 2002)

Russell, D. M., McKenna, S., Kramer, E. “PDRs in the office: A visionary scenario” Videotape (April, 1998)

Russell, D. M., Landow, G. “Hypermedia in Education: A tutorial Web” (February, 1996; updates in June 1998 –

Russell, D. M., Stefik, M. J. “The rapidly changing world of documents: A view from MacWorld" Videotape. (April, 1993)

Russell, D. M., Stefik, M. J. “The electronic document: Changes in 1993” A multimedia document (Hypercard, MacroMind Director). Presented many times within Xerox Corporation.

Pirolli, P., Russell, D. M. “An Instructional Design Environment for the Analysis of Cognitive Tasks Involving Software Use.” Poster at AERA 92, San Francisco, CA.

Russell, D. M., Pirolli, P. “Introduction to Excel”

Hypercard stackware, Xerox PARC (January, 1992)

Russell, D. M. “Educational Hypermedia Collection -1990”

Videotape, 30 mins, Xerox PARC (November, 1990)

Russell, D. M. , “IDE Rapid Demo Tape”

Videotape, 15 mins, Xerox PARC (September, 1988)

Russell, D. M. , “Overview of the Instructional Design Environment”

Videotape, 5 mins, Institute for Research on Learning (September, 1987)

Russell, D. M. , “The Instructional Design Environment”

Videotape, 15 mins, Xerox PARC (March, 1987)

Russell, D. M. , “The IDE-Interpreter”

Videotape, 5 mins, Xerox PARC (March, 1987)

Russell, D. M. , “Basic Xerography” (with D. Jordan, A-M. Jensen, T. Moran, J. Orr, S. Newman) Interactive Video Disk course, 2.5 hrs, Xerox PARC (May, 1986)

INVITED TALKS (2007-2011 only)

“Advanced Search for Reference Librarians” tutorial at Maine Academic Librarians Conference (April 15, 2011)

“How DO people search on the web? (And why do they do such strange things?)” Keynote address Maine Academic Librarians Conference, Colby College, Waterville, ME (April 15, 2011)

“The Future of Services” Keynote address at Services Research & Innovation Institute, San Jose, CA (April 1, 2011)


“Analytics for real uses” presentation at Services Research & Innovation Institute, San Jose, CA (April 1, 2011)

“Google Innovation: Culture & Practices” CITRIS seminar, UC Berkeley (March 16, 2011)

“The Future of Information: Social, Local, Dense, Personal, Fast & Evolving” Keynote address “The Future of Information” conference, University of Maryland (Nov 5, 2010)

“The Future of Search” Keynote address at the Ithaka Conference, New York, New York (Sept 28, 2010)

“Why is search sometimes easy and sometimes hard? Understanding serendipity and expertise in the mind of the searcher”Keynote address HCIR 2010 conference, New Brunswick, NJ (Rutgers) (Aug 22, 2010)

“Curiosity tools: Critical thinking skills for Middle Schoolers” Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School, Palo Alto, CA (May 19, 2010)

“How to teach web search (Train the Trainer)” Google, Hyderabad, India (May 5, 2010)

“How to search” talk / interview: NDTV (India web TV program on “How to search”) (May 5, 2010)

“Design in the Age of Analytics” Stanford Computer Science Forum, Stanford, CA (Apr 28, 2010)

“The technology of language in user-experience” Linguistics seminar at UC Merced, Merced, CA (Apr 27, 2010)

“Basic web search for students” Class for K-12 students at Google (April 22, 2010)

“Basic web search for students” Class for School Administrators, Santa Clara County Department of Education (April 22, 2010)

“Basic web search for students” Class for K-12 teacher at Google Santa Clara County Department of Education (April 22, 2010)

“Basic Web Search for Teachers” RAFT, San Jose, CA (March 11, 2010)

“The mind of the researcher” Keynote address at Alaska Librarians Annual meeting (AKLA), Anchorage, AK (March 5, 2010)

“Tutorial on logs analysis for HCI” with Robin Jeffries, Susan Dumais, Jaime Teevan. Human Computer Interaction Consortium (HCIC), Snow Mountain Ranch, CO (Feb 25, 2010)

“Advanced Search for Teachers” RAFT, San Jose, CA (Feb 18, 2010)

“Happy Accidents: The effect of ICS over 30 years” at UCI 40th ICS Anniversary Meeting, (Jan 22, 2010)

“How Google Searchers Search” Invited lecture, U Texas, Arlington (Nov 19, 2009)

“Infinite scholarship: Learning to search through a very large corpus” Thesaurus Linguae Gracae Symposium, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA (Oct 30, 2009)

“The Top 12 Things Librarians Need to Know about Internet Search” to Bay Area Independent School Librarians, San Jose, CA (Oct 14, 2009)

“Finding what you seek: How Google users think about search (… and how they actually search)” invited lecture, UC Merced Cognitive Science Glushko/Samuelson series (Oct 12, 2009)

“How do good searchers get to be that way?” I/O psychology class, Santa Clara University (Sep 29, 2009)

“Advanced Search Methods for Reference Librarianship” Oakland Public Library, Oakland, CA (Sept 11, 2009)

“Seeing the invisible, Thinking the impossible, Asking the inconceivable” at UC Irvine, Langson Library. Invited lecture for librarians group (April 29, 2009)

“Search Practicum” RAFT, San Jose, CA (2/26/09)

“Finding what you seek: How Google users think about search” Distinguished lecture, Center for Innovative Computing, Computer Science Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (February 11, 2009)

“How to Teach Search” Googlers at Boulder Office, Boulder, CO (2/9/09)

“Basic Search for Teachers” Boulder Unified School District, Boulder, CO (2/9/09)

“Large Scale Data Changes the Way we do HCI” Human Computer Interaction Consortium, Boulder Park, CA (February 6, 2009)

“Basic Web Search” Santa Clara Public Library, Santa Clara, CA (February 3, 2008)

“Internet Search Basics” RAFT, San Jose, CA (1/29/09)

“Finding what you seek: How Google users think about search” Distinguished lecture, Departments of Infomatics and Computer Science, U C Irvine, Irvine, CA (January 16, 2009)

“What teachers need to know about search” Tutorial at Google Teachers Academy, (3 hours) (NY, NY) (11/18/08)

“Strategy and tactics for search” Search Skills Seminar (for PAUSD teachers, Gunn HS), Google, Mountain View, CA (November 20, 2008)

“What teachers need to know about search” Tutorial given twice at Google Teachers Academy, NY, NY (11/18/08)

“(Re)searching with Google: Looking for the core of expertise,” UCSF Med School, Lane Library, San Francisco, CA (invited lecture), (November 7, 2008)

“Google Search Basics” Foster City Elementary School (2 classes) (10/31/08)

“Google’s Global Marketing Challenge: A view from the inside” invited panel presentation at ASIS&T conference, Columbus, OH (October 28, 2008)

“Advanced Web Search” Santa Clara Public Library, Santa Clara, CA (October 17, 2008)

“Google collaboration techniques and technologies” MITRE Collaboration Technology Seminar, Westford, MA (via videoconference). (October 15)

“Mental models of searchers: What we learn from field studies” Invited lecture at CONOPS group in Google, Mountain View, CA (October 13, 2008)

“Project Earth: Using Google Earth to create materials for your class” RAFT (2 hour class) (Bay Area Resource for Teachers), San Jose, CA (October 4, 2008)

“Google Earth: The world on your desktop” RAFT (2 hour class) (Bay Area Resource for Teachers), San Jose, CA (October 2, 2008)

“Using Google to search the internet” RAFT 2-hour class, San Jose, CA (September 25, 2008)

“How do we understand our users” Iowa State University HCI Seminar (videoconference presentation). (September 25, 2008)

“Become a super internet searcher: Learn by playing the search game!” Two-hour tutorial at the Museum of American Heritage, Palo Alto, CA (September 21, 2008)

“Strategy and tactics for search” Search Skills Seminar (for PAUSD teachers), Google, Mountain View, CA (September 10, 2008)

“(Re)searching on the internet” Oakland Public Library, Oakland, CA (August 15, 2008)

“Seek and ye shall find: Effective searching on the internet” SHARE Conference, San Jose, CA (August 11, 2008)

“Introduction to Web Search” Santa Clara Public Library, Santa Clara, CA (August 8, 2008)

“Mental models of search” ROXI Team at Google, Mountain View, CA (August 7, 2008)

“Google Docs & Spreadsheets Tutorial” RAFT (2 hour class) (Bay Area Resource for Teachers), San Jose, CA (July 26, 2008)

“Google Earth Tutorial” RAFT (2 hour class) (Bay Area Resource for Teachers), San Jose, CA (July 24, 2008)

“(Re)searching with Google” Special colloquium at Saratoga Public Library, Librarians of Santa Clara County Meeting, Saratoga, CA (June 12, 2008)

“Micro, Meso and Macro: Three Scales of User Behavior Analysis” Guest lecture at Informatics 105 (“Context of Informatics”), UC Irvine, Irvine, CA (May 23, 2008)

“How good Google searchers get to be that way” Computer Science Department Colloquium, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA (May 23, 2008)

“How Good Google Searchers Get to be that way” Computer Science Department Colloqium, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA (May 23, 2008)

“Dashboards, Analytics & Metrics” UX Brown Bag meeting at Google, Mountain View, CA (May 21, 2008)

“The ten things you need to know about search” Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA (May 20, 2008)

“Introduction to Web Search” Santa Clara Public Library, Santa Clara, CA (May 5, 2008)

“Advanced Logs Analysis Tools for UX” Google UX Skills Seminar, Mountain View, CA (April 29, 2008)

“Advanced Search for Medical Professionals” UCSF Fishbon Memorial Medical School Library, San Francisco, CA (April 24, 2008)

“(Re)Search With Google” NASA Ames Research Center Invited Seminar, Mountain View, CA (April 16, 2008)

“Introduction to Web Search” (2 hour class) Santa Clara Public Library, Santa Clara, CA (April 5, 2008)

“Advanced SketchUp: Methods and Techniques” RAFT (4 hour class) (Bay Area Resource for Teachers),, San Jose, CA (Feb 23, 2008)

“Sketchup for Teaching” RAFT (4 hour class) (Bay Area Resource for Teachers), San Jose, CA (Feb 9, 2008)

“Search Practicum” RAFT (2 hour class), San Jose, CA (Feb 7, 2008)

“How good Google searchers get to be that way” People, Computers and Design Seminar, CS Dept, Stanford, CA (Jan 18, 2008)

“Models of multitasking: Under what conditions does multitasking fail in human behavior?” FOO Camp, Sebastopol, CA (with Kathy Sierra and Linda Stone) (June 23, 2007)

“Searching for the mind of the searcher: What do users think about?” Opening keynote at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (Vancouver, Canada) (June 20, 2007)

Last edit: Jan 30, 2011