

Moriwaki, D., Takida, A., Goto, K., & Yoshikawa, T. (2023). Reducing Waiting Children with Daycare Search Map: Evidence from an RCT in Shibuya City (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 4431332). 

Toda, T., D. Moriwaki, and K. Ota. "Aggregate Learning for Mixed-Frequency Data",The 7th Mining and Learning from Time Series Workshop, IEEE BigData'22, Dec, 2022 [arXiv ]

Zhaohong Sun, Daisuke Moriwaki, Yoshihiro Takenami, Yoji Tomita, Makoto Yokoo, "Daycare Matching in Japan: Transfers and Siblings, "AAAI-23 [arXiv]

Yoji Tomita (CyberAgent, Inc.), Riku Togashi (CyberAgent, Inc.), Daisuke Moriwaki (CyberAgent, Inc.), "Matching Theory-based Recommendation in Online Dating", RecSys '22,

Ryo Kato, Takahiro Hoshino, Daisuke Moriwaki, Shintaro Okazaki, "Mobile Targeting: Exploring the Role of Area Familiarity, Store Knowledge, and Promotional Incentives," RIEB Discussion Paper Series No.2022-10,

労働分野におけるオルタナティブデータの活用, 日本労働研究雑誌, 2022年4月号,

Moriwaki, D., Hayakawa, Y., Matsui, A., Saito, Y., Munemasa, I., & Shibata, M. (2021)  "A Real World Implementation of Unbised Lift-Based Bidding System", IEEE BigData, Virtual, [arXiv]

Matsui, A., & Moriwaki, D. (2021). Online-to-Offline Advertisements as Field Experiments. The Japenese Economic Review,

Toda, T., D. Moriwaki, and K. Ota. "Aggregate Learning for Mixed-Frequency Data", The 7th Mining and Learning from Time Series Workshop, KDD'21, Aug, 2021 [Arxiv ]

森脇大輔, "行政データを活用した統計作成", mimeo

Izumi, K., Moriwaki, D., Toda, T., Higashida-Konishi, M., Oshima, H., Okano, Y., Kaneko, Y.,, Ko, S., and Takeuchi, T., Smartphone- and Smartwatch-acquired Daily Steps, Activity, and Barometric Pressures Associated with Subjective Measures of Rheumatoid Arthritis: a Prospective Study for RA Digital Phenotyping, EULAR2021, 2-5, June, 2021

Moriwaki, D., Harada, S., Schneider, J., and Hoshino T. (2020)  Nudging Preventive Behaviors in COVID-19 Crisis: A Large Scale RCT using Smartphone Advertising, IES Discussion Paper Series No: DP2020-021, Keio University.

Moriwaki, D., Hayakawa, Y., Munemasa, I., Saito, Y., & Matsui, A. (2020). Unbiased Lift-based Bidding System, AdKDD2020.

Matsui, A., Kobayashi, T., Moriwaki, D., & Ferrara, E. (2020). Detecting multi-timescale consumption patterns from receipt data: A non-negative tensor factorization approach. ArXiv:2004.13277 [Cs, Stat].

Moriwaki, D., Fujita, K., Yasui, S., Hoshino, T. "Fatigue-Aware Ad Creative Selection", Workshop SUM’20: State-based User Modelling 13th ACM International WSDM Conference, Houston, Texas, USA [Arxiv]

Kawanaka, T. and Moriwaki, D. "Uplift modelling for Location-Based Advertising", LocalRec '19: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks and GeoadvertisingNovember 2019 Article No.: 10 Pages 1–4

Toda, T and Moriwaki, D. "Check-in Prediction on Trajectory Images"[PDF]

Moriwaki, D. "Nowcasting Unemployment Rates with Smartphone GPS data", First International Workshop, MASTER 2019, Held in Conjunction with ECML-PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16, 2019, Proceedings

Munemasa, I, T. Fukami, and D. Moriwaki  "Learning a sense of locality?: labeling local areas by machine learning", the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2018 [jstage]

Moriwaki, D "Informal Care and Labor Supply Among Japanese Middle Aged", mimeo, 2016 [PDF]


因果推論入門 共著 技術評論社

"介護需要のマクロ経済的考察"  濱秋純哉(編)少子高齢社会における世代間移転と家族, 2020, 日本評論社


"経済動向分析におけるビッグデータの活用 : 最近の政府の取り組みと今後の展望"  流通とシステム (170), 17-22, 2017, 流通システム開発センター [CiNii]

Work in Progress

"The Impact of the Explosion of Care Demand on Japanese Economy"