Publications and Preprints

Here is a list of my publications and preprints with links attached.


  1. H. V. Chu, D. C. Luo, and S. J. Miller, "On Zeckendorf Related Partitions Using the Lucas Sequence," The Fibonacci Quarterly 60 (2022), no. 2, 111-119. [arXiv:2004.08316].

  2. T. H. Bell, D. C. Luo, L. Seaton, and S. P. Serra, "Gordian Adjacency for Positive Braid Knots," Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal 21(2) (2020), Article 5, 24 pages. [arXiv:1910.02933][Link].

  3. D. C. Luo, "Generalizing the Abundancy of an Integer," Minnesota Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics 4 (2019), no. 1, 19 pages. [arXiv:1803.10816] [Link].