WO2 Allan (Cal) Jones DLOY (18 Sept 1949 - 31 March 2018)

Eulogy to WO2 Allan (Cal) Jones DLOY (18 Sept 1949 - 31 March 2018)

St. John’s CE Church, Abram, - 19 April 2018

Written by WO2 G. Taylor

Read by Capt. J. Cavanagh

Allan was affectionately known as Cal to all his friends and comrades in the Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry. When the regiment was reformed in 1971 Cal was one of the original members of A Squadron at the old Drill Hall in Powell St. Wigan. He served in Germany, Gibraltar twice and in 1989 was selected to represent the Regiment on an attachment with the Royal Hong Kong Regiment when they deployed on the Hong Kong Chinese border on Anti-Illegal Immigrant patrols. He went on to serve 20 years achieving the rank of Warrant Officer 2nd Class with the appointment of Sqn Sgt. Major and was awarded the Territorial Efficiency Medal and Bar.

Cal was a larger than life character with a wicked sense of humour, he always had a smile on his face and left an impression on everyone he met. The stories about him are far too many to tell. During his younger days his escapades with his partners in crime Nobby Norburn, Paddy Gair, Phil Burgess and Lol Ward were legendary and earned ‘A’ Sqn a reputation within the regiment.

All the younger soldiers will remember him as a senior rank and hearing his famous threat of “You will feel the power of my wrath”. His bark was worse than his bite though and they will remember him fondly for guiding them through their careers.

Cal was in his element when he was promoted to Staff Sgt and charged with looking after the Squadron Quarter Master Stores. He looked after the troops and when they were training in the field or on the ranges he would feed them as best as he could with fresh rations which he begged, stole or borrowed from wherever he could. He fancied himself as a chef and helped the cooks out in the cookhouse, knocking up chicken supreme or a curry. Once while the Squadron was firing on the ranges at Warcop in Cumbria Cal arrived with the mid-day meal. A visiting General asked him what was on the menu and Cal replied that his troops were going to be treated to Chicken in a white wine sauce with boiled potatoes and green beans followed by apple pie and ice cream. The General looked at him in disbelief, Cal laughed, pulled the lid off a dixie and said “Only joking Sir it’s the troops favourite FBPOS”. (That’s“All in stew” to the uninitiated).

As you all know Cal loved a tipple, one time at Altcar when he was out celebrating the birth of the Permanent Staff Instructor’s new son he decided to devise a new drink and roped Spanners into testing it as he added different ingredients. He named the new brew ‘Ecky Thump’. It was so potent, as Spanners will testify, that he got the barman to remember all the ingredients and even put it on the drinks menu.

‘A’ Sqn had two German Panzer Grenadiers reservists attached to them one year at Thetford in Norfolk and one of them ‘Oberfeldwebel’ Norbert Daffinger became very friendly with Cal. Norbert used to come to Britain on holiday with his family and parked his camper van up on Abram Labour Club car park where Cal arranged a mains supply and plenty of liquid refreshments of the alcoholic type.

Cal was a qualified Army HGV driving instructor and thanks to him lots of young soldiers passed their HGV driving test and went on to have successful driving careers. He ran a learner driver course in Wigan and along with Jimmy Bligh, Paddy Gair and Spanners taught the pupils vehicle maintenance, cross country, motorway and night driving techniques.

Cal also loved the ceremonial side of soldiering, he was one of the first to volunteer for the annual Scarlet Guard team at Aintree when the regiment started guarding the Grand National trophies. He was also part of the ceremony at the opening of the Regimental museum in Preston and was Sgt. Major at the inaugural opening of the new Territorial Army Centre in Woodhouse Lane, Wigan were a new generation of young soldiers now learn their trade.

His crowning glory was Sgt. Major escort to the Regimental Guidon when our Colonel in Chief HM the Queen presented new colours to the regiment at Stonyhurst College in 1990.

On retiring from the TA he became an integral part of the DLOY Old Comrades Association, attending the annual reunions and never missing the Remembrance Day parade in Wigan.

There are photos circulating on facebook which show him and PK Burgess wearing bowler hats in Hyde Park in 1995. They had been picked to be members of the wreath carrying party for Her Majesty the Queen at the annual Cavalry Memorial Parade. They were probably playing up to the cameras but they looked the spitting image of Laurel and Hardy.

In 2014, along with the Abram Tenants Association committee he was instrumental in raising funds for a memorial stone in honour of Abram Victoria Cross winner L/Cpl Elisha Grimshaw, of the 1st Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers and oversaw it’s manufacture at Varty’s Stonemasons in Lower Ince. The unveiling ceremony was conducted by the Mayoress Councillor Phyllis Cullen and her consort husband Terry in the Community garden across the road from the church. Cal, as usual was in his element in front of the microphone as the Master of Ceremonies.

Cal was very aware of the importance of involving and educating the youngsters of today about remembering the events of the First World War. Prior to the VC unveiling, along with Lol and Spanners they visited the local Primary school to talk to the children. On a scorching hot day in the classroom he persuaded Lol to dress up in a replica WW1 uniform and explain about the kit and equipment on display. However, to his disappointment they weren’t allowed to take Lee Enfield rifles and grenades into the classroom because of health and safety constraints.

In the lead up to the stone unveiling ceremony they also put on a very successful three day WW1 display for all the community in this very church which included contributions from the school children.

Still not finished the committee also co-operated with Wigan Council in naming a street after its VC winner. Cal again organised the military presence and the street naming ceremony in Grimshaw Park was attended by uniformed representatives from the Queens Own Yeomanry, Colonel Mike Glover from the Lancashire Fusiliers Old Comrades Association was accompanied by a bugler and standard bearer party along with standard bearers from the Royal British Legion.

Appropriately Grimshaw Park is just 100 yards from Cal's and his wife Sue’s house in Warrington Rd…….. The DLOY Old Comrades Association and the good people of Abram have lost a loyal and trusted friend…. RIP.

Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry Regimental Collect

Almighty God in whom we put our trust

grant us your servants of the Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry

the gifts of courage, skill, endurance and comradeship

These we dedicate in the service of our Sovereign and Country,

and pray your blessings upon all our endeavours,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen