
Sample Songs: (the links may take a while to load)

  • Alternatives: What to do, where to go, at critical crossroads in one’s life

  • One Life at a Time: This was written based upon images, feelings and experiences I had in walking from the US Capital back to my hotel during a business trip to DC (as part of a NSF conference – little did I know that I’d be back for good one day)

  • Simple Games: Human nature – avoid conflict, make mistakes

  • Until Tonight: Break-up of a relationship

  • Little Leah: I wrote this for my daughter (on her 4th birthday) and finally finished it for her Bat Mitzvah on 5/9/09. The singer is Michele Viani (Rusty Pipes, RPI - BSEE 2009), who was kind enough to sing this for me (without any practice). Someday I hope to actually arrange and produce the song...

  • Two Sides of Life: Originally meant as an opening piece for a musical show, maybe someday...

  • Hello: Meeting someone for the first time

  • Reflections: Written after a loss (not finished or produced)

Don has continued his involvement in music since traveling with Up With People, often playing in various bands and serving as a studio guitarist for other artists. He has written a number of songs and has compiled them in an album ("Alternatives"). A number of his songs have been available via the Internet since the mid-90's and have been used in a variety of his multimedia performances.