Second International Workshop on Knowledge Diversity on the Web

Co-Located with WWW2012 -- April 16th, 2012, Lyon, France

DiversiWeb2012 follows on from the successfull DiversiWeb2011 in Hyderabad, India, at WWW2011.

Objectives of the workshop

We aim to address a wide array of interdisciplinary questions around knowledge diversity on the Web, which need to be tackled in order to preserve the fragile balance between a world that is continually converging and growing together, the rich diversity of the global society, and the dangers of fragmentation and splintering. This includes but is not limited to questions such as ‘How to model diversity?’, ‘How to discover bias and opinion in blog posts, tweets, forum items, wiki edits, etc.?’, ‘How to use provenance information for diversity-awareness?’, ‘How to rank, aggregate, summarize, and exploit information in a diversity-­‐aware manner?’, ‘What are the applications of diversity-­‐rich information sources?’, ‘How can we use diversity as an asset instead of regarding it as a barrier?’.

The objective of the workshop is to engage and foster research, as well as technology and application development towards enhanced knowledge diversity on the Web. In particular we welcome submissions that

  • Analyze the capabilities of current information management models, algorithms and technologies to leverage knowledge diversity,
  • Extend existing models, methods, techniques and tools to accommodate the requirements arising from paying a proper account to diversity-­‐expressed information provenance and communication and collaboration environments characterized by a rich variety of opinions and viewpoints.
  • Discuss the foundations of knowledge diversity on the Web and propose alternative paradigms,
  • Propose novel evaluation strategies, methods and techniques to assess the impact of diversity-­‐ minded information management.


include but are not limited to the following:

  • Risks and advantages of diversity and diversification on the Web
  • Facets of knowledge diversity and conceptual and formal models for representing and understanding diversity
  • Provenance of diversity and its role in diversity-aware access to data
  • Discovery and mining of corpora for diversity-­related information
  • Use of Natural Language Processing techniques for diversity mining
  • Classifying Web 2.0 content items such as blog posts, videos, tweets, and wiki-­‐edits by their biases
  • Usage and benefits of diversity in the corporate context, e.g. in order to understand feedback and communication with the customer
  • Enabling or improving communication and collaboration over barriers induced by diversity
  • Extensions to Web applications taking diversity into account
  • Exposing and explaining diversity to end users
  • User experiences avoiding the radicalization of groups by exposing them to alternatives
  • User interfaces allowing the explicit annotation of content with diversity markers
  • Studies on the acceptance by end-­‐users of diversified applications.

Important dates

All papers will undergo a pre-reviewing procedure according to which on February 1 we will notify all authors about

  • Submission deadline: February 8, 2012
  • Notification of acceptance for full papers: February 29, 2012
  • Registration to the workshop: March, 7 2012
  • Camera ready versions of accepted papers: March 7, 2012
  • Workshop program due: March 8, 2012
  • Workshop date: April 16, 2012

Organizing Committee

    • Elena Simperl, AIFB, KIT, Germany
    • Paul Groth, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • Denny Vrandečić, Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., Germany
    • Paolo Massa, Scientific and Technological Research Centre of Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy