
I am a long time IT type, having worked at a senior level as a Software Engineer, IT Architect and IT Director for over 30 years. More recently, I have moved into housing development, city planning and GIS. This website is my portfolio of a number of interesting things I have done professionally over the years. With 25+ years of professional experience, this site looks at my more recent work. That and I don't have digital versions for most of my work older than 10 years :-). One does not live on work alone! I cook, garden and hike. I am a dedicated biking commuter and occasional recreational biker when my knee cooperates. Identifying native plants and using them in landscaping around the yard is my idea of fun. So is putting in a stone walkway or maybe some day a natural stone retaining wall, all done dry (mortar is cheating). My favorite reading material is historical fiction, or is that fictionalized history. A couple of anthropologists, Katherine and Michael Gear, have a good series on "People of the xxx" which goes thru North American pre-european settlements. Last summer we canned ketchup (Grandma Herr's special recipe), salsa, and the bonus crop of grapes into jam.

50,000' views to down in the dweeby bits, my portfolio shows the vast range of things I have done. Though I have tended to drift into the policy/political realms over the years, I can still get down into the hardcore technology details. I'll go where I'm needed, particularly within a team context.

--Dirk Herr-Hoyman