
Hannover has an international airport and convenient train connections to most places in continental Europe. The talks take place in the University's main building Welfenschloss, located just north of the center of Hannover.

    • Address: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany

    • At Hannover Airport (HAJ), go to the S-Bahn station and take S5 to the main train station (Hauptbahnhof). The train leaves every hour at minutes 6 and 36. The ride takes 17 minutes. Tickets (3.30 Euros, valid also on the subway) are available from ticket machines at the platform.

    • Leave the main train station (Hauptbahnhof) through the main entrance, walk straight for 250 meters (across Ernst-August-Platz and through Bahnhofstrasse) to Kröpcke, take subway U4/U5 towards Garbsen/Stöcken and get off at Leibniz Universität (3rd stop). A ShortTripTicket (KurzstreckenTicket, 1.50 Euros) is enough.

    • The lecture hall is room F 442 (4th floor, wing F).

    • Registration: in front of the lecture hall before the first lecture and during the breaks.

    • See here for accommodation information. The suggested hotels are in walking distance from the main train station. To reach the University from the hotels, walk to Kröpcke and take the subway as above.