Diogo Cocharro has a multifaceted experience and interests in various areas, all of them geared towards sound and music. He is passionate about music, the bass guitar and all the interactive process of creating music. With it came the interest in music production, music technology and music interactivity which lead him to graduate in Electronic Music and Musical Production from School of Applied Arts in Castelo Branco. Pursuing he's interests he received a Master Degree in Multimedia with specialization in Sound Design and Interactive Music from Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Since then he has been working in the Sound and Music Computing Group at INESC TEC Porto has a research assistant, having published articles in conference proceedings and journals mostly related to automatic music generation. At the moment he is enrolled in the Digital Media PhD program at FEUP pursuing research in "Content-based Re(creation) of Loops for Music Performance".
In media art he has co-developed a few interactive music installations, Tweetering Sounds (2010), Sound Potter (2010), Human Pong (2011), PerturbArte (2011) with presentations at the Future Places Festival and at Casa da Música.
As a musician he worked with different projects covering many different genres, such has rock, metal, electronic music and folk/world music. It stands out the release of the album "Colouring Book" with Lokomotive Station and the award as revelation band in 2008 and the recent collaboration with Xícara. This experience allowed him to play in several festivals and venues around Portugal. Currently he plays with the "Maria Quê" project, whom with he recorded the debut EP "Embalo das Marés".
Another of his interests is the live concert production. As a sound technician he has been working as a freelancer for several sound reinforcement companies and bands.
He co-founded the cultural association "Arca de Sons", whom with he is an active asset in their productions (ex. Daniel Pereira Cristo, Shaduf, Manuel de Oliveira, Terreiro dos Sons, Maria Quê).
The sum of all the different experiences makes him an active listener who strives to understand client/musician/artist needs to provide exceptional results/solutions.