Variable Selection for VARs

This code replicates the results in the paper

Korobilis, D. (2013). VAR Forecasting Using Bayesian Variable Selection, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28, pp. 204-230.

There are several models estimated here with VARIABLE SELECTION (see the article for details):

1) DIRECT_KM_VAR: VAR (DIRECT forecasts)

2) DIRECT_KM_TVP_VAR: Time varying parameters VAR (DIRECT forecasts)

3) FORE_KM_VAR: VAR (ITERATED forecasts, RIDGE prior)



6) FORE_KM_VAR_LARGE: VAR (ITERATED forecasts, RIDGE prior, LARGE dimension-13 variables)

7) FORE_KM_VAR_SB: Structural Breaks VAR (ITERATED forecasts, RIDGE prior)

8) FORE_KM_TVP_VAR: Time varying parameters VAR (ITERATED forecasts, MINNESOTA prior, CARTER&KOHN filter)

9) FORE_KM_TVP_VAR_DK: Time varying parameters VAR (ITERATED forecasts, MINNESOTA prior, DURBIN&KOOPMAN filter)

For non-forecasting versions of these models (i.e. scripts which only do estimation) see the folder ORIGINAL FILES.

If you are not that experienced and you want to get a first idea about how variable selection works, download the code (you can find it at the bottom of this page) which is simpler and shows the efficiency of the variable selection algorithm on an artificially generated dataset.

NOTE: If you try to use this code with your own data then you might experience overflow/underflow issues. This is because the variable selection algorithm needs to evaluate multiple times conditional likelihood functions (i.e. when γ=0 and when γ=1), and these functions are exponential. In this case you will need to evaluate instead the log-likelihoods (which remove (-/+ Inf) problems caused by taking exp of a large positive or negative number), and calculate posterior model probabilities by transforming back to the original scale using the exponential function. Additionally, assume CL1 is the conditional likelihood under γ=0 (VAR coefficient is restricted) and CL2 is the likelihood under γ=1 (VAR coefficient is unrestricted), then we can use the property that:

log(CL1 + CL2) = log(CL1) + log( 1 + CL2/CL1) ) = log(CL1) + log( 1 + exp(log(CL2) - log(CL1)))

This code is for experienced users only who can feel comfortable enough to use it and alter it.

Download code here: and