

MPI of Psychiatry & Medical Faculty, LMU Munich (2020)

Independent Max Planck Research Group for Social Neuroscience  & IMPRS for Translational Psychiatry 

Thesis title: I interact therefore I am - Human becoming in and through social interaction

Thesis advisor: Leonhard Schilbach

Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich (2013)

Translational Neuroscience Unit & Computer assisted Applications in medicine Group

Thesis title: Inferring Cognitive Traits of Individual Subjects from Gaze Controlled Video Games

Thesis advisors: Klaas Enno Stephan, Jakob Heinzle & Chris Mathys

School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2009)

Telecommunications & Soft Computing Group, Signal Processing & Biomedical Technology Unit

Thesis title: An MRI Software Tool for the Brain Segmentation, 3D Visualization and Volumetric Analysis

Thesis advisor: George Sergiadis

Research Positions

Autism and neurodevelopmental disorders

Postdoc researcher on developmental neuroscience

(personal grant from the JSPS) TUNE IN: The neural and behavioral mechanisms of interpersonal attunement in real-time social interactions

Postdoc fellow on hyperscanning neuroimaging 

Centre for Philosophy of Science

Postdoc researcher on philosophy of mind

Human-like Artificial Intelligence

Software engineer consultant on social interaction kinematics

IMPRG for Social Neuroscience 

Postdoc researcher on neuropsychiatry

IMPRG for Social Neuroscience & IMPRS for Translational Psychiatry

Doctoral researcher on neuropsychiatry

Neural Control of Movement Lab

Predoc researcher on computational neuroscience

Autism Research Group

Predoc researcher on clinical neuroscience

MRI-based Medical Solutions

Software developer of medical computing tools 

Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Lab

Predoc researcher on artificial intelligence

Signal Processing and Biomedical Technology Unit

Predoc researcher on hybrid-pedagogy

Selected Awards

Research paper within the top-10 most mentioned articles published by the journal in 2020.Paper - Interpersonal similarity of autistic traits predicts friendship quality.
Research proposal accepted for 6-month funding to work at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences.Project - TUNE IN: The neural and behavioral mechanisms of interpersonal attunement in real-time social interactions.Japan, Okazaki, 2019.
Project - It takes two to tango: Two-person psychophysiology for studying interpersonal attunement in social interaction.São Paulo, Brasil, 2018.
The 11th Scientific Meeting for Autism Spectrum Conditions (WTAS).Project - Beyond the individual in autism research:Two-person psychophysiology for testing the dialectical misattunement hypothesis. Frankfurt, Germany, 2018.
Supervising MSc research project (student - Beril Nisa Can)Project - Interpersonal attunement in real time social interaction through facial expressions.Munich, Germany, 2018.
Supervising MSc research project (student - Julia Folz)Project - Interpersonal attunement in real time social interaction through eye blinks.Munich, Germany, 2017.
Research proposal accepted for 3-year funding to work at the Humboldt University of Berlin.Topic - Autism as a social predictive processing condition.Berlin, Germany, 2015. 
The Microsoft 'Olympics of Technology' ImagineCup Competition: Imagine a world where technology enables a better education for all. Project Noesis: A novel educational environment for kids with autism spectrum conditions. Seoul, South Korea, 2007.  
The Microsoft 'Olympics of Technology' ImagineCup Competition: Imagine a world where technology enables a better education for all. Project Noesis: A novel educational environment for kids with autism spectrum conditions. Athens, Greece, 2007. 

Supervised projects
