MTH 412, Algebraic Topology, Fall 2017


Tuesday 10:50-11:50

Thursday 8:30-09:30


Friday 9:40-10:40

Weekly homework problems will be uploaded here.

Course contents

Review of quotient spaces.

Paths and homotopy, fundamental groups, the fundamental group of a circle. Covering spaces, lifting properties, classification of covering spaces, deck transformations. Free groups and free products, van Kampen theorem, applications to CW complexes.

Simplicial homology, singular homology, homotopy invariance, exact sequences, and excision. Degree, cellular homology, Mayer-Vietoris sequences, homology with coefficients. Axioms for homology.


1. A. Hatcher, Algebraic topology

2. W.S. Massey, A Basic course in algebraic topology

3. J. Munkres, Topology


End-sem 30%

Mid-sem 30%

Quizzes, Assignments, Presentations 40%