MT1213 Calculus II, Spring 2022


Monday 12:00-12:50

Friday 12:00-12:50

Summaries of lectures are available here.

Office hours:

B1-B4 Thursday 12-12:50, B5-B6 Thursday 4:00-4:50,

Location: Room No 467, Main building. (It is recommended to drop a mail before your visit).


Tutorials will be conducted in eight batches and you can find your location and TA details below. The problems to be discussed in the tutorials will be uploaded here every Saturday/Sunday.

B1: Thursday 4:00-4:50, LH 201. Tutor: Snehal Lawande, Office hour: Monday 3-4 PM, Room No 427, 3rd floor, Main Building

B2: Thursday 4:00-4:50, LH 205. Tutor: Prashant Gitte, Office hour: Thursday 3-4 PM, Room No 427, 3rd floor, Main Building

B3: Thursday 4:00-4:50, LH 301. Tutor: Narayanan, Office hour: Wednesday 5-6 PM, Room No 455, 3rd floor, Main Building

B4: Thursday 4:00-4:50, LH 304. Tutor: Anjali Bhatnagar, Office hour: Friday 4-5 PM, Room No 453, 3rd floor, Main Building

B5: Thursday 12:00-12:50, LH 201. Tutor: Snehal Lawande, Office hour: Monday 3-4 PM, Room No 427, 3rd floor, Main Building

B6: Thursday 12:00-12:50, LH 203. Tutor: Prashant Gitte, Office hour:  Thursday 3-4 PM, Room No 427, 3rd floor, Main Building

B7: Thursday 12:00-12:50, LH 206. Tutor: Uday Bhaskar, Office hour:  Tuesday 4-5 PM, Room No 459, 3rd floor, Main Building

B8:  Thursday 12:00-12:50, LH 301. Tutor: Jyoti Dasgupta, Office hour: Tuesday 4-5 PM, Room No 457, 3rd floor, Main Building

Textbook (for the first half)

Multivariable Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Manifolds, by Theodore Shifrin

References: Calculus (Volume I and Volume II) by T. Apostol

Course contents

The first half (pre-midsemester): Vectors and 3-dimensional geometry, functions from R^n to R^m, derivatives and integrals of vector functions, arc length and curvature of space curves (optional), limits and continuity, partial derivatives, total derivatives, maxima and minima, statement of implicit function theorem, Lagrange multipliers, divergence, curl;

The second half (post-midsemester): Iterated integrals, change of variable formula, line integrals, Statement of Green’s Theorem, surface integrals, Statement of Stoke’s Theorem, Statement of Divergence Theorem.  Applications to area and volume.

Evaluation up to Midsemester (total 50%)

Assignment: 6%

Quizzes: 14% (Quizzes will be conducted on alternate weeks during tutorials and the best 2 out of 3 quizzes will be considered.)

Mid-sem: 30%