Professor, Department of Economics and Law, University of Stuttgart

Affiliate Member, CESifo Research Network

Associated Researcher, Politics of Inequality Cluster

Co-Founder, Political Economy of Global Development Lab

firstname [.] lastname [at] ivr [.] uni [-] stuttgart [.] de 

Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)

Fields of Interest: Inequality, Public Economics, Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Development Economics

Research in progress

Are Risk Preferences Shaped by Status Concerns? (with Yannick Reichlin) 

Can International Initiatives Promote Peace? Diamond Certification and Armed Conflicts in Africa (with Christine Binzel and Andreas Link) [CEPR Discussion Paper 18450]

Listen to Her: Gender Differences in Information Diffusion within the Household (with Johanna Mollerstrom and Ricardo Perez-Truglia) [NBER WP], VOXeu column, media coverage: The Guardian, Welt am Sonntag, Welt Online+

Fairness Properties of Compensation Systems (with Hannes Rau, Stefan Trautmann, and Yilong Xu)

Misperceiving Economic Success: Experimental Evidence on Meritocratic Beliefs and Inequality Acceptance (with Martin Vollmann) [CESifo WP]

Social Mobility Perceptions and Inequality Acceptance  (with Daniel Mueller and Marcel Preuss) [link to older CESifo WP]

The Causal Effect of Cultural Identity on Cooperation (with Jeff Butler) [link to older CESifo WP]

Taking a Small Amount from Many or Taking a Large Amount from a Few? (with Alexander Cappelen, Ingar Haaland,  Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden)

The Endowment Effect in the General Population (with Dorothea Kübler) 


Poor and Rational: Decision-Making under Scarcity (with Guenther Fink and Kelsey Jack), Journal of Political Economy, Volume 130, 2862-2897, 2022. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Your Place in the World: Relative Income and Global Inequality (with Johanna Mollerstrom and Ricardo Perez-Truglia),
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Volume 14, 232-268, 2022. [link to journal website][data] Media coverage: FAZ, Anderson Review 

Inequality, Fairness and Social Capital (with Hannes Rau, Stefan Trautmann, and Yilong Xu), European Economic Review, Volume 129, 2020. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

The Power of Sunspots: An Experimental Analysis (with Frank Heinemann and Aniol Llorente-Saguer), Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 103, 123-136, 2019. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Gossip and the Efficiency of Interactions (with Matthias Sutter), Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 113, 448-460, 2019. [appendix][link to journal website][data] Media coverage: Psychologie Heute, Welt Online

Equilibrium Selection in Similar Repeated Games: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Precedents (with John Duffy), Experimental Economics, Volume 21, 573–600, 2018. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Exclusion in All-Pay Auctions: An Experimental Investigation (with Julia Schmid), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 27, 326-339, 2018. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Is Increasing Inequality Harmful? Experimental Evidence, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 107, 123-134, 2018. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Costly Communication and Learning from Failure in Organizational Coordination, European Economic Review, Volume 93, 106-122, 2017. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Who knows it is a game? On strategic awareness and cognitive ability (with Steffen Huck), Experimental Economics, Volume 19, 713-726, 2016. [appendix][link to journal website]

The Willingness to Pay-Willingness to Accept Gap: A Failed Replication of Plott and Zeiler (with Rustamdjan Hakimov and Dorothea Kübler), European Economic Review, Volume 78, 120-128, 2015. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Social Distance and Trust: Experimental Evidence from a Slum in Cairo (with Christine Binzel), Journal of Development Economics, Volume 103, 99-106, 2013. [appendix][link to journal website]

Giving and Sorting Among Friends: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment (with Christine Binzel), Economics Letters,  Volume 121, 214-217, 2013. [appendix][link to journal website]

Information and Beliefs in a Repeated Normal-Form Game (with David Danz and Dorothea Kübler), Experimental Economics, Volume 15, 622-640, 2012. [appendix][link to journal website][data]

Partner Selection in Public Goods Experiments (with Giorgio Coricelli and Gerlinde Fellner), Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 48, 356-378, 2004. [appendix][link to journal website][data]