Professor, Department of Economics and Law, University of Stuttgart
Associated Researcher, Politics of Inequality Cluster
Co-Founder, Political Economy of Global Development Lab
firstname [.] lastname [at] ivr [.] uni [-] stuttgart [.] de
Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)
Fields of Interest: Inequality, Public Economics, Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Development Economics
Research in progress
Are Risk Preferences Shaped by Status Concerns? (with Yannick Reichlin)
Can International Initiatives Promote Peace? Diamond Certification and Armed Conflicts in Africa (with Christine Binzel and Andreas Link) [CEPR Discussion Paper 18450]
Fairness Properties of Compensation Systems (with Hannes Rau, Stefan Trautmann, and Yilong Xu)
Misperceiving Economic Success: Experimental Evidence on Meritocratic Beliefs and Inequality Acceptance (with Martin Vollmann) [CESifo WP]
Taking a Small Amount from Many or Taking a Large Amount from a Few? (with Alexander Cappelen, Ingar Haaland, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden)
The Endowment Effect in the General Population (with Dorothea Kübler)
Selected publications
Listen to Her: Gender Differences in Information Diffusion within the Household (with Johanna Mollerstrom and Ricardo Perez-Truglia), Journal of Public Economics, Volume 239, 105213, 2024. [appendix][link to journal website][data] [VOXeu column], media coverage: The Guardian, Welt am Sonntag, Welt Online+
Poor and Rational: Decision-Making under Scarcity (with Guenther Fink and Kelsey Jack), Journal of Political Economy, Volume 130, 2862-2897, 2022. [appendix][link to journal website][data]
Your Place in the World: Relative Income and Global Inequality (with Johanna Mollerstrom and Ricardo Perez-Truglia),
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Volume 14, 232-268, 2022. [link to journal website][data] Media coverage: FAZ, Anderson Review
Inequality, Fairness and Social Capital (with Hannes Rau, Stefan Trautmann, and Yilong Xu), European Economic Review, Volume 129, 2020. [appendix][link to journal website][data]
The Power of Sunspots: An Experimental Analysis (with Frank Heinemann and Aniol Llorente-Saguer), Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 103, 123-136, 2019. [appendix][link to journal website][data]