Source code 3D face modeler


The code has been developped on windows with Visual Studio 2012.

A CUDA compatible GPU graphic card is required.

To compile the code you will need some additional libraries:

  • Microsoft Kinect SDK
  • Opencv
  • OpenGl
  • glut
  • glew
  • Cuda
  • boost
  • eigen
  • flann
  • glext

Instructions to compile

  1. Open Visual Studio 2012 and create a new empty solution
  2. Load all source files into the project
  3. In 'Build customization' (right click on the project in the solution explorer) select CUDA
  4. in Project properties, in VC++ directories, enter directories for the additional include and library files.
  5. In project properties, linker/input add additional dependencies.
  6. In project properties, CUDA C/C++, device set 'code generation' to 'compute_20,sm_20'
  7. For all .cu files, right click select property and set Item type to CUDA C/C++