

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

B.S. in Theoretical Physics, July 1998

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Ph.D. in Physics, March 2003 (advisor: Vicente Pérez Muñuzuri)

Thesis title: Coupled oscillators: chaotic synchronization, high-dimensional chaos and wavefronts in bistable media.


    4/03-3/04 Institut non linéaire de Nice (France)

    5/04-4/06 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme (Dresden, Germany)

    5/06-01/17 Instituto de Física de Cantabria (Santander, Spain)                  

    Previous fellowships: Juan de la Cierva (2 years), JAE-Doc (3 years), Ramón y Cajal (5 years). 

CURRENT POSITION: Assistant Professor at University of Cantabria. 

Research in the Nonlinear Dynamics Group at Instituto de Física de Cantabria (UC-CSIC).

Teaching through Dept. of Modern Physics of U. Cantabria: Quantum Mechanics, 4th course degree in Physics.


Distinguished as Outstanding Referee by the American Physical Society IN 2014. [Noticia de la UC en español (in Spanish)]