
Can interactive online training make high school students more entrepreneurial? Experimental evidence from Rwanda

(with  Jeanne Lafortune, Jose Tessada and Todd Pugatch)    WP version,

Economics of Education Review 101: 102559, 2024.

The Effects of Working while in School: Evidence from Employment Lotteries

(with Thomas Le Barbanchon and Federico Araya)  WP versionJ-PAL summary, VOX blogBlog in Spanish, Brief on Effects by Gender

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15 (1): 383-410, 2023. 

Press Coverage: La Diaria, MTSS Uruguay, EL PAIS

(with Alessandro Maffioli and David McKenzie)2-page summary, Development Impact post, Replication Package

 Economic Development and Cultural Change 72(1): 123-158, 2023.

(with Irani Arraiz, Diether Beuermann, Michael Frese, Alessandro Maffioli and Daniel Verch).  Replication Package

 World Development 152: 105787, 2022.

Can Youth Empowerment Programs Reduce Violence Against Girls during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

(with Selim Gulesci and Manuela Puente Beccar).  Development Impact Blog

Journal of Development Economics 153:102716, 2021.

Does Information Change Attitudes Toward Immigrants?

 (with Alexis Grigorieff and Christopher Roth)  [Pre-analysis Plan]  [Instructions]

Demography 57: 1117-1143, 2020.  Published version

Press coverage: Washington Post 1, Washington Post 2,  Boston Globe, The Independent, La Tribune, IZA Newsroom, Bocconi Knowledge, Corriere Dell'Alto Adige, Corriere Del Trentino, Vox, Le Monde, Bloomberg

(with Pascaline Dupas, Dean Karlan and Jonathan Robinson).

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 10(2): 257-297, 2018.

Journal of Development Economics  vol. 118: 150-170, 2016.

(with A. Maffioli, G. Vazquez and P. Cerdan-Infantes).

Journal of Development Effectiveness  vol. 5(1), 64-81, 2013.

(with A. Maffioli, G. Vazquez and P. Cerdan-Infantes). 

Agricultural Economics vol. 42(6), 727-734, 2011.

(with Alessandro Maffioli) 

Research Policy  vol. 40 (9), 1269-1279, 2011.

(with Daniel Chudnovsky, Andrés Lopez and Martín Rossi)

Fiscal Studies vol. 29 (1), 75-87, 2008.

(In Spanish with Daniel Chudnovsky)

Boletín Informativo Techint 321, 29-47, 2006.