Books & Materials

To view ebooks off campus or make your site more personal, you can log into the catalog using the following information:

Your Google login

If you find either of these logins do not work, please email the problem to the librarian at

Need help?

Click the icon to email the librarian or call the school @ 615-446-9003 and ask for the library (if school is open).

Other LIbrary Catalogs

If you don't have a public library card, we can check eBooks and audio books out for you in the school library. Magazines and movies are also available. Please come by the library or email the librarian ( with your request.

Apps for mobile devices:

Destiny Discover (to access the DCHS Library Catalog on your mobile device)

Libby by Overdrive (to access ebooks, audio books, magazines, and movies downloaded from the Tennessee R.E.A.D.S. site)