Diaz-Lopez Villanova Research Group

Welcome to Dr. Diaz-Lopez research group at Villanova University. For questions or comments please contact Dr. Diaz-Lopez at alexander.diaz-lopez (at) villanova (dot) edu.

Current Projects

Current projects include:

Summer Research Program supported by NSF DMS-2211379. 

Chloe Abo

Juliana Castrodad-Garcia

Diego Estrada

Jean C. Garcia-Colon

Katie Noonan

Katie Shattuck

Current Members (2024-2025)


This includes all publications in which Dr. Diaz-Lopez is a collaborator.

[16] A. Diaz-Lopez, K. Haymaker, C. McGarry, D. McMahon. Metrics on permutations with the same descent set. (Submitted). arXiv version

[15] R. Behrend, F. Castillo, A. Chavez, A. Diaz-Lopez, L. Escobar, P. E. Harris, and E. Insko. Partial Permutohedra. (Submitted.) arXiv version

[14] A. Diaz-Lopez, K. Haymaker, and M. Tait. Spectral Radii of Arithmetical Structures on Cycle Graphs. (Submitted.) arXiv version

[13] A. Diaz-Lopez, K. Haymaker, K. Keough, J. Park, and E. White. Metrics on permutations with the same peak set. (To appear in Involve)arXiv version

[12] K. Archer, A. Diaz-Lopez, D. Glass, and J. Louwsma. Critical groups of arithmetical structures on star graphs and complete graphs.  The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 31 (1) (2024), #P1.5. arXiv version

[11] A. Diaz-Lopez and J. Louwsma. Critical groups of arithmetical structures under a generalized star-clique operation. Linear Algebra and its Applications 656 (2023), pp. 324-344. arXiv version

[10] A. Diaz-Lopez, P. Harris, I. Huang, E. Insko, and L. Nilsen. A formula for enumerating permutations with a fixed pinnacle set. Discrete Math. 344 (2021), no. 6, 112375. arXiv version

[9] (Student author: A. Vetter*, Advisor: A. Diaz-Lopez) Arithmetical Structures on E_n graphs. Villanova Veritas Journal. Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021).

[8] K. Archer, A. Bishop, A. Diaz-Lopez, L. Garcia-Puente, D. Glass, and J. Louwsma. Arithmetical Structures on Bidents. Discrete Math. 343 (2020), no. 7, 111850, 23 pp. 05C50 (05A10). arXiv version.

[7] A. Diaz-Lopez, L. Everham, P. Harris, E. Insko, V. Marcantonio, and M. Omar. Counting peaks on graphs. Australas. J. Combin. 75 (2019), 174–189. 05A05 (05A10 05A15). arXiv version.

[6] A. Diaz-Lopez, P. Harris, E. Insko, M. Omar, and B. Sagan. Descent Polynomials. Discrete Math Vol. 342 (2019), Num. 6, pp 1674 - 1686. arXiv version.

[5] A. Diaz-Lopez P. Harris, E. Insko, and M. Omar. A proof of the peak polynomial positivity conjecture.  Sém. Lothar. Combin. 78B (2017), Art. 6, 9 pp.

[4] A. Diaz-Lopez, P. Harris, E. Insko, and M. Omar. A proof of the peak polynomial positivity conjecture. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 149C (2017) pp. 21-29. arXiv version.

[3] F. Castro-Velez, A. Diaz-Lopez, R. Orellana, J. Pastrana, and R. Zevallos. Number of permutations with the same peak set for signed permutations. J. Comb. 8 (2017), no. 4, 631-652. arXiv version.

[2] A. Diaz-Lopez, P. Harris, E. Insko, and D. Perez-Lavin. Peaks sets of classical Coxeter groups. Involve 10-2 (2017), 263--290. DOI 10.2140/involve.2017.10.263. arXiv version.

[1] A. Diaz, N. Harman, S.Howe, and D. Thompson. Isoperimetric Problems in Sectors with Density. Adv. Geom. 12 (2012), 589-619. arXiv version.


Previous Members

The following Villanova students have been part of the Diaz-Lopez Research Group.





Original 2018-2019 CURM Research Group