Rules & Regulations
Flea Market
Please help us maintain a family friendly environment at The Flea Market by following these simple rules.
Please report any suspicious activity to:
El Dorado County Sheriff's Office
(530) 621-5655 or (530) 621-6600
Standards of Conduct
1. Vendors shall be honest and conduct themselves in a courteous manner.
2. Conduct by Vendors which is materially and seriously prejudicial to the reputation of the Flea Market is not permitted.
3. Sellers experiencing difficulty with customers or other vendors should contact a Flea Market staff member immediately.
4. No radios or boom boxes may by played. Please be respectful of our neighbors.
5. No loud hawking, shouting or barking to promote products.
6. Vendors are responsible for their representatives, employees and family.
7. All vendors must comply with Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances and regulations.
8. Due to public complaints, vendors and customers are discouraged from bringing pets.
Vendors will be charged for every space used for parking or selling even if no sales are made. Space fee is due at set up. Please stay within the parking spaces.
The spaces are not reserved except for the Diamond Village businesses who wish to participate. Only those businesses are allowed to cone off spaces. Any vendor found coning off spaces, will not be allowed to sell at The Market. No reservation is required just show up and set up within the white parking spaces.
Most spaces are approximately 10 feet wide to allow for a pop up tent and a car length.
Payment for spaces and form 410-D will be collected by The Market managers after you have set up.
Each vendor is required to completely fill out the Board of Equalization form 410D.
No exceptions!
Please read carefully the instructions for filling out the form. We will collect and mail them each week to the Board of Equalization. Form will be provided to each vendor.
Flea Market vendors must collect all of their trash and dispose off site. Leaving trash behind is prohibited. Vendors will be reported to the El Dorado County Sheriff and cited for littering.
Do not block emergency entrances.
Operated by the Creative Word, Non-Profit