Abhinav Dhall, PhD

Associate Professor, Flinders University

Adjunct Faculty, IIIT-Delhi

Ex-Head, Centre for Applied Research in Data Sciences, IIT Ropar

Research Interest: Human-Centred Computing, Affective Computing, Multimodal Systems

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Recent Updates

[May 2024] Best Student Honorable Mention Award af FG 2024, congrats Phyo and First Position Award at EEG based Emotion Challenge, congrats Lownish.

[April 2024] Paper accepted at FG 2024, congrats Phyo.

[Feb 2024] Demo co-chair and Area Chair for ACM Multimedia 2024.

[Oct 2023] Our paper received Ten-Year Technical Paper Impact Runner-Up award at ACM ICMI 2023.

[Sep 2023] Shreya's paper on eye gaze accepted in IEEE TPAMI, congrats Shreya!

[Aug 2023] Second Runner-Up in ACM Multimedia REACT challenge, congrats Ximi!

[Aug 2023] Zhixi's paper on deepfakes localisation accepted in CVIU, congrats Zhixi!

[Jul 2023] First Runner-Up in ACM Multimedia MMediate challenge, congrats Surbhi!

[April 2023] Co-Organising the First Workshop on Responsible Affective Computing at ACM Multimedia 2023 [LINK].

[March 2023] Zhixi's paper accepted at CVPR 2023, congrats Zhixi!

[February 2023] We are hosting the ninth Emotion Recognition in the Wild challenge (EmotiW 2023) [LINK].

[December 2022] Zhixi's paper awarded at DICTA 2022, congrats Zhixi!

[November 2022] Distinguished Professor Seminar at CFAR, A*Star, Singapore. 

[October 2022] Keynote at ECCV 2022: 4th Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW).

[September 2022] One paper accepted at CVIU, congrats Shailza! 

[August 2022] One paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, congrats Muhannad!

[August 2022] ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge MMediate, first position, congrats Garima!

[August 2022] Paper accepted at ICIP, congrats Shreya!

[May 2022] Abhinav is Program Co-Chair for ACM ICMI 2022

IndiaAI interview

Demo of FakeBuster (ACM IUI'19)

BBC Click coverage of Safe Selfie project