Current Postdoc Researchers of the Group

Jaydeep K Basak

I am interested in exploring the distribution of classical and quantum correlations in a physical system. Entanglement is one candidate for quantum correlations, which has been considered as the reason for the emergence of spacetime. In this context, I study AdS/CFT duality, or Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory duality, which is a theoretical framework that relates two seemingly different theories: anti-de Sitter space, a curved spacetime, and conformal field theory, a quantum field theory. Specifically, I am interested in entanglement and classical correlation measures for various models of black holes in AdS/CFT correspondence. Recently, I have been involved in developments regarding multiple party entanglement measures in quantum information theory. 

Mir Afrasiar

My research work is primarily based on holographic quantum entanglement in the context of the anti-de sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon in which two or more particles become entangled in such a way that the state of one particle immediately influences the state of the other, regardless of their separation. On the other hand, the AdS/CFT correspondence is a duality between a gravitational theory in an anti-de sitter space and a conformal field theory on its boundary. Some of the most important issues in theoretical physics have been resolved by studying the role of quantum entanglement in the AdS/CFT duality, especially in relation to the nature of spacetime and the interplay between gravity and quantum mechanics. It covers a vast area of physics, from strongly correlated many body systems to the black hole information loss problem in quantum field theories coupled to semi-classical gravity. Particularly, I study different entanglement and correlation measures, including entanglement entropy, entanglement negativity, reflected entropy, and others, in conformal field theories with various holographic duals.