Camera-Ready Instructions

Please read and carefully follow the instructions in the steps below for formatting the accepted papers. Any questions related to this are to be sent to the workshop organisers (

    1. Latex and Word Templates for camera-ready papers:

      • For LaTeX users, download this file.

      • For Word users, download this file.

    2. The (hard) camera-ready deadline is Monday, December 24, 2012 .

    3. When preparing the camera-ready papers, please follow the rules below:

      • Camera-ready papers should NOT have page numbers. All numbering will be done by the publisher.

      • Submissions should be identifiable through a filename convention: please use "ICDEW13wkx_DESWEB_XX.pdf", where XX is the paper number assigned to your submission by easychair (e.g.: "ICDEW13wkx_DESWEB_09.pdf").

    4. The page limits are strict and final:

      • Regular papers: 6 pages;

      • Late-breaking results, visions and challenges: 2 pages.

    5. Camera-ready papers must be in PDF format and have passed through the IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure compliance to the IEEE Xplore format. Please go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at and open an account by following the link "New Users - Click Here". You will need the Conference ID which is " ICDEW13wkx ". Then submit your paper(s), to get feedback about their compliance with IEEE Xplore. If not compliant, address the comments on the feedback, and retry until you have produced compliant documents. More details here.

    6. The IEEE copyright form can be downloaded here. Please fill it in, sign it and send a pdf scan of the form to Please use "Data Engineering meets the Semantic Web Workshop (co-located with ICDE)" as the IEEE Publication Title. This is required for all accepted papers in order for them to be included in the proceedings and the IEEE Xplore website.

    7. Submit the final version of your paper, after it has passed IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure compliance, as well as the signed IEEE Copyright Form via e-mail to