Summer School on Derived Algebraic Geometry

September 14-18, 2015

Collegio Cairoli, Pavia (Italy)


Michel Vaquié and Gabriele Vezzosi

Basics of derived algebraic geometry I & II

Abstract: Affine derived algebraic geometry. Cotangent complex and re-interpretation of classical deformation theory. The \infty (or model) category of derived stacks. Derived algebraic stacks. A few examples (MAP, RPerf).

Tony Pantev

Shifted deformation quantization

Abstract: I will introduce shifted symplectic and Poisson structures in derived geometry and will explain how these structures can be constructed on moduli stacks. I will discuss several explicit examples and will show how formal geometry helps in relating non-degenerate shifted Poisson structures and shifted symplectic structures. I will review the quantization problem in derived geometry and will explain how shifted symplectic structures with non-zero shifts can always be quantized.


A provisional schedule for the week is now available.

Download if from here.


  • Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Casorati", Università degli Studi di Pavia

  • Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Enriques", Università degli Studi di Milano

    • FIRB 2012 "Moduli Spaces and Their Applications"

    • The national research project "Moduli, strutture geometriche e loro applicazioni" (PRIN 2012)

    • The national research project "Geometria delle Varietà Proiettive" (PRIN 2010-11)

    • The research network program GDRE-GRIFGA

    • Foundation Compositio Mathematica