Policy Work

During the summer of 2018, I served as the project manager for the Wisconsin Export and Foreign Direct Investment Profile, a partnership between the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Economics and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC).

I led a team of three other economics Ph.D. students and four UW-Madison undergraduates to create five-year forecasts of revenue, employment, and exports for more than 100 different industries in Wisconsin. WEDC will use these forecasts to guide future economic development efforts.

An executive summary can be found here. We also created a website to display our full results, which can be found at https://ssc.wisc.edu/wedc.

My team with the WEDC executives, from left to right: Xuran Sheng, Renata Gaineddenova, Adam Smith, myself, WEDC Vice President of International Business Development Katy Sinnott, Hyun Soo Kim, Konstantions Papakostas, Sandra Spirovska, WEDC International Business Director Mark Rhoda-Reis (not pictured: Ann Nielsen).