Prospective students are encouraged to apply to CSU Chemistry. Prospective postdoctoral candidates are encouraged to send their CV to Delphine by email along with a letter of interest.

February 16, 2023

Congratulations to Katelyn Rediger for being selected to the AGU Voices of Science program for 2023-24! 

June 27, 2022

Huge congratulations to DR. Mj Riches and DR. Erin Boedicker, both of whom passed their defenses with grace, intelligence, and wit. And did we mention spectacular dissertations covering complex-but-important issues?   Mj tackled plant emissions of biogenic hydrocarbons, from physiological drivers to instrument development to field measurements and models. Erin tackled particle deposition, from indoor environments to pine forests to the Arctic. 

June, 2022

*Position filled

Postdoc Position Announcement! We are looking for a postdoc to help develop the Fluxes of AerosoL Continuous Observing Network (FALCON). FALCON is a collaboration between Delphine Farmer’s group at Colorado State University and Ethan Emerson at Handix Scientific. The project will include working with Handix Scientific to assemble portable optical particle sensors coupled to sonic anemometers for deployment and eddy covariance analysis of size-resolved particle fluxes. Measurements will initially take place at one site for an intercomparison, followed by deployment at five sites around the United States.

Candidates should have a PhD in Atmospheric Science, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, or a related field. Candidates must have experience with data analysis and programming. Preferred qualifications include experience with aerosol measurements and micrometeorological analyses.

The position will be based at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO, though the position will include extensive field measurements. The candidate could start as soon as August 2022, but no later than Spring 2023.

Interested candidates are encouraged to send a CV and cover letter describing their experience and interest in the position to Dr. Farmer at

January 27, 2022

2021 passed like a blur. Michael Link finished up his postdoc, and now has a position at NIST in Maryland - we successfully converted him to the dark side of indoor air, and he will be thinking about the intersection of buildings, energy, and chemistry. The entire group pitched in to make the Flux Closure Study in August/September of 2021 a roaring success and filled with fun collaborations with the Millet group (U of Minnesota) and the Stevens group (Indiana U). Sara Williams and Anne Mielnik finished up, and we wish them best of luck with their careers. Erin Boedicker and Lauren Garofalo successfully deployed particle flux measurements and aerosol composition measurements for two months in Utqiagvik, Alaska. 

We welcomed two new postdocs - Drs. Kathryn Mayer and Jienan Li will be thinking about the intersection of outdoor and indoor air pollution at the upcoming CASA experiment. We also welcome first year PhD student Katelyn Rediger to the group - she will take on the FIGAERO-CIMS, and thinking about urban emissions and air quality. And most recently, Dr. Rachele Ossola will be joining our group to think about the leaf-atmosphere interface. Welcome to you all!

May 12, 2021

So many things happened this semester that we didn't have time to post them all!

Anna Hodshire moved to a full-time position at Handix Scientific, while Jimmy Mattila successfully defended his PhD and is headed to a postdoc position at the U.S. E.P.A. in North Carolina - we wish both of them much success in their careers!

Air cleaning turns out to be quite contentious. The atmosphere continues to provide new insights on formic acid. Our lab is fully vaccinated and looks forward to more experiments and new field work. And congratulations to Erin Boedicker for receiving a scholarship in Air Quality from the Air and Waste Management Association!

February 4, 2021

And for something different, a few thoughts on decommissioning coal-fired power plants and air cleaners in schools.

January 4, 2021

Our indoor work is getting attention on NPR, The New York Times, and a few other media outlets. Our outdoor work is also getting attention - check out these stories in CSU's Source and the DOE ARM news site!

December 1-17, 2020

Erin, Mj, Anne, Lauren, and Delphine presented research at the Virtual 2020 AGU Fall Meeting. Additionally, Mj co-lead and organized a workshop on "How to Sketch Your Science," with over 1000 attendees. Hopefully, the quality of our TOC graphics and presentations will keep improving! 

November 17, 2020

Welcome Anne and Sara, our new PhD graduate students!

September 4, 2020

PNAS Front Matter has an article about how humans impact indoor air chemistry - including our HOMEChem work! 

August 6, 2020

We are looking for a postdoc interested in aerosol mass spectrometry and indoor chemistry field experiments. The position will include developing and running perturbation experiments as part of the CASA Study (Chemical Assessment of Surfaces and Air). Essential qualifications include a PhD with strong interest atmospheric and indoor chemistry. Preferred qualifications include demonstrable experience with aerosol or other atmospheric mass spectrometry instrumentation and data analysis in Igor or similar program, as well as an established publication record.

We anticipate the position starting in January 2021. Interested individuals are encouraged to send Delphine their CV and a letter of interest (including contact information for references) by September 15, 2020. The position will include benefits, has the potential to be renewed for up to three years, and may include additional opportunities to be involved in other field and laboratory experiments.

 July 29, 2020

It has been a busy and strange spring and summer. First off: Congratulations to Dr. Ryan Fulgham for successfully defending his PhD dissertation - we wish you all the best in your postdoc at the EPA in North Carolina! Congratulations to Danny Lee for completing his M.S. - we look forward to hearing about your travels home to South Korea and future career.

Secondly, the COVID19 pandemic has definitely thrust the importance of indoor aerosols into the forefront of the news. Delphine signed onto a formal letter indicating the importance of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through aerosol particles. Interview in local news.

Finally, our time spent in indoor environments under stay-at-home orders prompted an array of interest, including interviews in Scientific American, Grist, and GQ. This is the result of truly excellent work from Jimmy Mattila, Erin Boedicker, Andy Abeleira, Matson Pothier, Anna Hodshire - and the entire HOMEChem science team!

February 19, 2020

Congratulations to Mj Riches on being selected to AGU's Voices of Science program! Mj will be part of the media/communication stream, learning about science communication at a workshop in DC and then putting that knowledge to work in a series of outreach events over the next year. We can't wait to see your creativity flourish!

February 6, 2020

Jimmy Mattila's work on the chemistry of bleach cleaning is featured in this article from CSU's SOURCE.

November 24, 2019

Our HOMEChem work is featured on the front cover article of C&E News!

October 11, 2019

DOE runs a profile on Delphine and our group's work on black carbon and particle deposition!

July 2, 2019

Delphine and Ravi are funded by NSF to think about photochemistry of carbonyls and we are recruiting a postdoc! If you are interested in working with lasers, mass spectrometry, kinetics and/or photochemistry experiments, come join us! Please send a CV with names of at least two references and a letter describing your relevant experience and interests to Delphine and Ravi.

PhD students from either Chemistry or Atmospheric Sciences at Colorado State University are welcome to discuss opportunities on this project.

May 9, 2019

Congratulations to Jimmy Mattila for winning the Environmental Management or Policy Research and Study Related to Air Quality scholarship from the Air & Waste Management Association, Mj Riches AND Ryan Fulgham for winning Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards, and Erin Boedicker and Lauren Garofalo for being accepted into the DOE Aerosol Summer School organized by ARM and EMSL this summer! The Farmer group is awesome!

April 3, 2019

Our group's work in the HOMEChem study is featured in an article in the New Yorker and a podcast from The 1A.

March 30, 2019

Learn about Mj's research in her award-winning 3-minute thesis presentation. (Note: it cuts out early, but you get an idea of what drives her research!).

March 1, 2019

Congratulations to Mj Riches for winning 1st place in the poster competition at the CSU Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, an achievement considering she was presenting data collected in the last few weeks!

February 25, 2019

Congratulations to two of our students: Mj Riches for being selected as a Vice President for Research Graduate Student Fellow for the 2019-20 year (article here), and Julie Holder for having a piece of artwork selected for the CSU Science & Art Exhibition (stop by the Curfman Gallery at the Lory Student Center to see her work on display)!

January 2, 2019

It turns out that learning to fix GCs in the field, troubleshoot trace gas instruments, and write code for data analysis are marketable skills! After surviving 6.5 years as a PhD student and postdoc in the Farmer group, Dr. Andy Abeleira has decided to head to industry. We wish you all the best in your next career!

November 20, 2018

Congratulations to Mj Riches for winning one of the CNS Graduate Student Top Scholar Awards at the CSU Grad Student Showcase!

November 18, 2018

Thanks to the entire group and Prof. Nancy Levinger for nominating me for the Graduate Teaching and Mentoring award. It's a testament to your overall awesomeness, not mine. Thank you. DKF.

October 26, 2018

The Sloan Chemistry of Indoor Environments Meeting at CU-Boulder was a success - Erin, Jimmy, Matson and Andy all presented posters filled with HOMEChem data, Delphine gave a talk and Danny learned about the world of indoor chem!

September 7, 2018

It was a busy summer in the field for the Farmer group! Jimmy, Andy, Matson, Erin and Delphine spent just over five weeks in Austin TX eating tacos participating in the HOMEChem experiment, running a suite of trace gas and particle measurements. The work was funded by the Sloan Foundation and in collaboration with Dr. Marina Vance from CU and an array of collaborators from numerous universities. Then in July, Matson and Lauren headed to Boise ID to run CSU's High Res Aerosol Mass Spectrometer on NSF's C130 aircraft for the WE-CAN project. Delphine came out for a few weeks. Our group was funded by NOAA to think about near-field aerosol chemistry in collaboration with Dr. Sonia Kreidenweis (CSU). 

Everyone is back home in Fort Collins, recovering from field work and digging into their datasets, except for Delphine who has headed to the Netherlands for sabbatical...

February 9, 2018 

Congratulations to Trey Murschell for defending and receiving his PhD!

January 1, 2018 

Welcome Matson, Danny and Erin our new 1st year PhD students! 

October 20, 2017 

Congratulations to Andy Abeleira for defending and receiving his PhD! Andy will be staying in Fort Collins and be doing a postdoc with the Farmer lab.  

July 12, 2017

Congratulations to Trey Murschell for receiving the Rodney Skogerboe Scholarship in Chemistry! This scholarship aims to support graduate students in Analytical Chemistry at CSU, and Trey is the inaugural receipient. Rod Skogerboe was an analytical chemist at CSU with a particular interest in environmental chemistry, serving as a Science Advisor to the US Food and Drug Administration, and on the State Air Pollution Control Board.

June 8, 2017

Ethan Emerson is out at DOE's Southern Great Plains site setting up aerosol measurements for the Black Carbon Aerosol Deposition Study (BCADS). Delphine Farmer and co-PI Gavin McMeeking also came out to help...

Southern Great Plains

May 30, 2017

Congratulations to Trey Murschell for winning the graduate scholarship from the Rocky Mountain States Section of the Air and Waste Management Association!

April 24, 2017

Congratulations to Pat Brophy for winning the CSU Chemistry Department's Dissertation Award - a well-deserved honour

December 14, 2016

Beth, Trey, Andy, Ethan, Michael and Ryan all have posters at AGU in San Francisco this week! 

December, 2016

Welcome to Mj and Jimmy, our two new first year PhD students - but a sad farewell to Elena Hartner, our visiting student researcher from Germany!

Sept. 17, 2016

Delphine attended a workshop on mountain top cloud experiments in Whiteface, NY.

May 20, 2016

Patrick and Ryan gave talks at the 2016 CIMS User Meeting in Boulder, CO. Michael, Beth, Trey, Julie and Delphine also spent the week learning lots about CIMS measurements and analysis...

April 13, 2016

Congratulations to Michael Link being selected as part of the 2016 NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute program. He'll be spending the summer in Seoul with Dr. Taehyoung Lee at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies working on aerosol chemistry. (The internet tells me that this is how you say 'bon voyage':  즐거운 여행 )

December 18, 2015

Congratulations to Trey Murschell for winning the Student Poster Competition Award at the 2015 International Congress of the Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem)! A well deserved award!

December 12, 2015

Beth, Andy, Pat and Delphine are spending the week in San Francisco at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, while Trey is headed to Honolulu for Pacifichem!

November 12, 2015

Congratulations to Ryan Fulgham for receiving an Honorable Mention in the Great Minds in Research category at the CSU Graduate Student Showcase!

April 15, 2015

Congratulations to Andy Abeleira for receiving a scholarship from the Rocky Mountain States Section of the Air and Waste Management Association at their highest level!

April 6, 2015

Congratulations to Michael Link for receiving an Honorable Mention in the NSF Graduate Fellowship Program competition!

Jan.1, 2015

Welcome to new group members Ryan Fulgham, Michael Link and Julie Holder!

July 10, 2014

Most of our group is busy setting up experiments as part of the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE). Andy is setting up a hydrocarbon GC on the ground in Erie, CO, along with an O3 detector (Lindsi) and an SO2 detector (Walsh). Trey and Ryan are helping with an OH reactivity measurement. Pat and Jeff have the CIMS set up on PISA - an elevator on the 300 m tower! Michael has the UHSAS also set up on PISA to get vertical profiles of aerosol size distributions. As if 300m wasn't enough for the group, Chris Fukami is taking the lead (with Ryan, Lindsi and Trey) on getting a PILS instrument on the C130 aircraft for aerosol chemistry collection. She'll be running vast numbers of samples on ion chromatographs - and perhaps a few other toys - to look at aerosol chemistry in the Front Range. Beth and Holly are holding down the fort back in lab and enjoying the peace and quiet... Looks like it will be a busy summer for the Farmer group! Press here, including an awesome pic of Chris working on the C130.

June 16, 2014

Delphine was interviewed by The Coloradoan

May 14, 2014

Our new CIMS arrived - it's the second one for the group, and only the 22nd one out of Tofwerk/Aerodyne

May 12, 2014

We welcome our two awesome new postdocs, Beth and Jeff, to the group. Both come from outstanding backgrounds in aerosol chemistry, and we're going to work hard on convincing them that gas-phase reactions in the atmosphere are just as fun. They'll both be working on the Beckman grant, thinking about oxidation chemistry and instrument development with the CIMS!

May 1, 2014

Congratulations to Pat for winning the Graduate Outreach Award and to Mengmeng for winning an Undergraduate Research Awards from the Chemistry Department!

April 16, 2014

Congratulations to our undergraduate intern, Mengmeng Fang, for receiving High Honors for her poster on the weekend-weekday effect in the Front Range at CURC 2014!

April 15, 2014

We welcome first year graduate student Holly Debolt into the group!

December 19, 2013

We welcome first year graduate student Andrew Walsh into our group, and Chris Fukami as a joint student with the Borch lab - Andrew will be working with the CIMS in some lab and field experiments, while Chris will be collaboratively working on ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry approaches to environmental samples.

August 5, 2013

Delphine is delighted to receive the Beckman Young Investigator Award! CSU wrote a news article about the award that you can read here.

July 1, 2013

Congratulations Penny, for passing her Master's exam! Fortunately she'll be staying on through the summer to work on the HICAHS project with Koty and Lisa!

June 23, 2013Delphine just got back from a workshop for the Tropical Biodiversity Initiative in Costa Rica - a collaboration between the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) and XTBG (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Yunnan province, China). May 25, 2013

The Farmer group arrives in Alabama for SOAS!

May 2013

As a busy semester winds down, Pat is getting ready to head to Alabama with the CIMS for the SOAS study, and we wish all the best to Mark Bauman, who is headed to Hawai'i for graduate school in Atmospheric Sciences!

December 2012

Welcome to our new graduate students, Andy and Trey!

August 2012

Congratulations to Penny Osborne, who was just accepted into the NSF-PASI program on "Air quality at the interface: Megacities and Agroecosystems", In La Plata, Argentina this August!

May 2012

Our spiffy Chemical Ionization - High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer arrives!